[u]Rathel[/u] Rathel wasn’t afraid for his life when the Half Esyire turned and saw him, though most creatures had a tenancy to attack at first sight. Demons after all weren’t something anyone enjoyed to see stalking them. Not to mention the reputation most had stoked over the centuries and driven into hatred towards their kind in general was enough to merit hate from most creatures, something Rathel had come to expect. Even if she had, he would merely return to the Inferno and be summoned back out again. That sadly didn’t help most people or demonomancer’s from seeing him as something more than a thing. He pushed the thoughts away when she didn’t seem alarmed, slightly surprised yet it hard to tell with his face. He listened to her acknowledge his question to be true and added the fact she was flustered. Rathel was more concerned about the later then her missing out on the demonstrations, positive she would likely seem more in the months to come. His head turned to her, her eyes seemed to study him and seemed rather confused something. Naturally one of the most asked question had spilled forth. His tentacles seemed wiggle followed by a hollow rattled from his back spines, the amused sound soon died down once Rathel started to answer her. “Some things are best left a mystery but I believe it’s a mix of Psychomancy and altered sound. I have several different and small holes hidden among my tentacles, each time I speak, air from my lungs blow through them and the outside constrict or shift to make words. Think of it as many little vocal cords in a way. That’s at least what I think. Many other students have different theories ranging from pleasant to rather…morbid, sadly.” His voice took a slightly depressive tone upon noting how few show him. “Alas, some students, demonomancers or not, can’t seem beyond the surface. It’s pity really but comes with the territory of being a demon.” Finished up his answer to her, he then turned another topic. “Though currently, I believe you ended up worrying my Demonomancer, Khan, with your little display back in the Dining Hall. Namely after you rushed outside and I think he might be concern you won’t return since the magical demonstrations well shortly be underway. ”