[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmQyYTRkYi5UR1ZrWVEsLC4w/digory-doodles.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b]"Sweets, you know you could always stay..."[/b] her fathers voice drifted off at the end before he shook his head. [b]"No no, that won't do."[/b] he put a smile on his face as he caressed his daughters face and sighed. [b]"I just hope you don't happen upon something horrible... I would hate for you to get bullied or worse, simply isolated."[/b] his eyes wavered as he frowned. Leda smiled gently, taking his hand. [color=a187be]"Father. You know I've never gone through bullying"[/color], she lied with no sign of it. [color=a187be]"You worry too much. And besides, i'm sure they're all kind."[/color] she continued as she turned her head when she heard her mother burst in. [B]"Leda!! My goodness! My own daughter... Going to live side by side with... [i]humans![/i] I can only hope that they aren't like the ones I have to deal with."[/b] she said, her expression frustrated at the mention of the people she fought. [color=a187be]"Haha, you guys, it will be just fine! It'll be a wonderful learning experience for me and if anything bad happens, i'll come straight back home."[/color] she once again lied. Leda had no intention of coming back. She was going to become a doctor and that didn't include giving up on school. Leda had a bag that contained her clothes and the such. She was a light packer so she didn't think she needed much. Just before she left, she hugged her parents tightly as tears formed in their eyes. She was leaving her beautiful home and her wonderful parents but it would all be worth it in the end. [color=a187be]"A goodbye is never hard to say unless you're never going to say hello again. And that isn't the case."[/color] she said. Leda had always been a bit more emotionally stronger than them but it was fine. Having such lovely parents who always felt so much for things was wonderful. Much different than her habit of letting things slide at times and not putting her own input into things. She was going to become someone that made them proud. [hr] Arriving at the school, Leda stared at the building in amazement. [i][color=a187be]"How historical! How spectacular! Different from my home. Very different."[/color][/i] she thought with optimism. The place in her eyes had no flaws. A wonderful building that had been there for a while and was beginning to show its age. It was wonderful when you could look back at a place and simply by the cracks, see that it had been through a lot and many people had waltzed in and out of it. Leda didn't smile. She was smiling on the inside but her exterior was serious. Standing tall and determined. [i][color=a187be]"I simply cannot wait for everything to begin! I step in with butterflies in my stomach, a nervous feeling. A feeling that lets me know i'm doing something right."[/color][/i] She noticed that a few other beastkin had arrived. One of which made her stare in awe at their flaming red hair. A jackrabbit, how wonderful! Next, she turned to see a beautiful nightengale. She was shorter than Leda by a bit. Her 5'4 in height was taller than her perhaps 5'1. She was simply stunning. One more was there. A cat. Adorable to Leda as her happiness grew. All of these beastkins. All of these new things to admire and learn about. [i][color=a187be]"Just like my storybooks! Just like the animal encyclopedia's that I read! They are all a wonderful sight to come upon."[/color][/i] she thought to herself. Leda still had on a serious look, still standing tall as if she was looking down on people as she surveyed them all. She had no idea how to start a conversation with them. No idea whatsoever. But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that she was there and she was happy to be there. Ecstatic even! [i][color=a187be]"It's a new day. I must be open enough to see opportunities. Wise enough to be grateful. And courageous enough to be happy."[/color][/i] she said to herself in her thoughts. Her father was always the one that told her these things and she always tried her best to follow as he says.[i][color=a187be] I just hope that everyone, including myself has a wonderful day. [/color][/i]