[center]~|Day 2, 22:06-22:08 GST|~ ~|Zanna, Animal Pens and Sith Practice Chambers|~[/center] Zanna glanced sharply back at Jayda, detecting the hint of disgust. "Tell me, Jayda, did Corr tilt things to his advantage? Did he use something other than brute strength and minuscule intelligence against you? No? If I were to tell you that I was going to assault your mind, would you have any advantage against me in that fight? No? Do not assume that just because most of your enemies act one way that they cannot act another way, and you should not prepare for that. Do not assume that knowing something is coming is the same as having an advantage over it. Those are both good ways to get yourself killed. I came to you for training because I recognized a weakness and decided to fix it. You already know my reasons for choosing you." She merely gave a brief nod of thanks at the Zabrak pointing out the empty cage, and quickly forced the Sithspawn into the cage and locked it, ignoring the rest of the animals. "Some Jedi probably killed it. Oh well. It's replacement will be more than enough of a challenge for them." The Red Sith turned around to see Jayda attempting to slam another Sith in the wall. With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, the Red Sith used Force speed to quickly walk from one end of the pen to the other. "Jayda, don't kill him. He was just standing around." She smiled apologetically at Ven'ren. "Forgive her. Corr just tried to kill her, and she had to recently fight for her life. She's a tad bit...jumpy. As such idiotic weaklings don't deserve a burial, we fed him to the animals. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go."