[color=khaki][u][b][h2]Jingo Strange[/h2][/b][/u][/color] Steel wheels railed against rails beneath the jittering, jerking cabin, going on and on monotonously much to Jingo's dissatisfaction. Falcon Reach had recently had a rail terminal put in, the companies were bedding down for the long haul and to them it only seemed right that they invested in their territory. Now this offered Jingo the opportunity to not have to take The Wessex, though he loved the old thing he more often then not forgot he was a person and woke up from piloting starving, having not eaten for days; however the train came with it's own set of problems, it was loud, smelly and the time it took to get form one place to another was unbearable. Not to mention the stops, oh the stops were the bane of his existence, he didn't mind meeting the new people, in fact he loved it but the time it took to load cargo during all those stops was enough to make him want to shoot himself. Jingo lounged in his cot, half naked and steaming away behind the curtain; somewhere along the journey he had caught a nasty flu and as all flues do, this one matured into a splitting headache and a fever from hell. He sneezed, loudly, followed by another and another, gasping for breath he fumbled in the dark for something to wipe his nose, his hand gripped a soaked towel, drenched from all the sweat. In his frustration he chucked his towel out of the bunk, sending it sailing across the cabin and into the window. "[color=khaki]Agh..[/color]" he groaned, turning over and clutching his stomach, "[color=khaki]Cen we please 'ave some quiescence?[/color]" he mumbled, throwing the curtain aside and swinging his legs out, dangling them in front of the young man's face. He lifted himself off the cot, landing on the floor a bit shakily, his shirtless torso glistening with sweat, "[color=khaki]'Cause Oi've got a wedge somewhere betwixt the two halves of me brain and it's causing me pain to no end.[/color]" With no regard to the pair, he reached up to his cot, leaning over the young man to retrieve his prosthetic, sweat dripping down into Alexander's lap. Deftly, Jingo strapped it on in one fluid motion. He looked out of the window with dull eyes, outside all he could see was snow. '[color=khaki]That glass must be cold..[/color]' like a robot, he moved with jerking, mechanical movements to the frosted pane of glass. He tentatively brought his hand to the surface and released a loud, almost orgasmic groan of pleasure. '[color=khaki]It's as cold as that girl's attitude.[/color] Slowly he applied more of himself onto the glass, shivering against the frigid pane in satisfaction. At that point he wished he had more skin to press against the glass, the rubber sheet stapled over his left side left much to be desired in the way of feeling. "[color=khaki]My god![/color]" He cried out, "[color=khaki]Ye have te try this![/color]" Alerted by the sound of its yelling owner, Jingo's Inheritance leapt out of the bunk, landing on the floor of the carriage with a resounding, metal clank. Skitters skittered and slipped on the metal floor making haste to its master's side, it stood in front of him, alert and watching the occupants of the tram - ready to spring at any moment. Jingo looked down and stared at the dog through bloodshot eyes, he let out a loud sneeze followed by a tired smile. "[color=khaki]'ello there, Sk'ers.[/color]" Now Jingo was on the other extreme of temperature, shivering against the pane of glass, held there by his frozen sweat. He eased himself off the pane, leaving a person shaped pitch of frost on the window and hugged himself; he yelped right after, having stabbed himself with the claspers at the end of his prosthetic arm. The dog jumped in alarm, losing it's footing and slipping onto its flank, Skitters lay floundering on its side. Jingo leaned down and picked it back up, it squirmed his grip which surprised him because he didn't know a robot could squirm, and put the dog back on its feet. "[color=khaki]Oi'm sorry abou' tha'.[/color]" He called out to anyone in the carriage, "[color=khaki]we're an easily excitable pair.[/color]"