Sephiroth looked up from his work. "After I explained what had occurred earlier today to my General, we agreed that you'd been sorely taken advantage of. As Captain, you would, naturally, take your orders from him directly, but you would also have a small command of your own. I don't know much about the details, Highwind will have to fill you in on the details." Sephiroth told her. He went back to work. Hearing his name used, the General turned to listen to the tail-end of Sephiroth's words, then noticed Azurael's dropped-jaw expression. "Relax, Stormy, it's nothing special. If anything it's just an easier way for me to keep an eye on you. You get to have a job that's more familiar to you, and I get to see just how good--or bad--you really are." He told her.