[hider=THE she-wolf] Name: Lupa Regina (AKA Queen of Wolves, or Queen of Whores), Gina Image: [hider=human][img]http://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Once-Upon-a-Time-Regina-Featured-09172015.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=werewolf][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8c/aa/72/8caa724a5004db7b3e3054df64d946fd.jpg[/img][/hider] Age: 2770 Species: Werewolf Goals/Faction: Extermination of the modern civilization and its polluting ways. Backstory: Lupa Regina was once upon a time an etruscan prostitute who happened to have contracted lycantropy in her youth. Even though it caused her no small amount of grief, she adapted quickly to her new life as half beast, half woman. She took a pack, and become one with nature. Back then, humans were scarce, and prey was abundant, so she lived a fairly pleasurable life. One day, though, she stumbled a couple of orphans while she was tending her firstborn aswell. Feeling still some kinship for humans, she decided to take them under her wing. The time was 753 BC. Those two orphans were Romulus and Remus. And Lupa's name was written in the ancient annals of History as a she-wolf who nursed the twins, unwittingly setting the cornerstone of Rome, and modern civilization. Lupa at first, was overjoyed by this, and she, in one guise or another, skirted in the edge of civilization, acting as a guardian and counselor of the budding modern, civilized humans. She took many names, and whispered many words in ears of kings and Emperors, on Senators and Generals, on Merchants, priests and ministers. From her evergrowing importance in the wilds, she nudged Rome and its sons like the most beatiful flower of the forest. But soon, the rotten nature of humans reared its ugly head. The empire collapsed. Roving tribes of barbarians scattered throughout the corners of the Empire she had helped in its foundations. She cried. But she assumed it was part of the cycle. And returned to her life upon her wild pack members. Her importance grew, and so did her enemies. By now, Regina was accused of being a human lover, and perpetually challenged for supremacy among packs. Some times she lost, and she had to cater every desire of the winners, but over time, challengers found increasingly difficult to match her prowess. She had a cunning most others had, and knew how to bid her time and survive. The middle ages were a busy, bloody epoch for Gina. Between the back-and-forth leadership, and the emergence of some worrisome night creatures, the vampires, there simply wasn't any respite nor time to care for anything other than fellow pack members. The renaissance came and went, without the she-wolf noticing much of the changes that happened. The war with the bloodsuckers for territories raged. She only noticed all but too late, that the human pace was becoming overwhelming. Firearms, deforestation. Massive slaughter. Industrial Age. Pollution. The men boomed and grew, and so did their appetites. Gina was torn. She was fascinated by how the humans, by taking her beloved Roman Empire as cornerstone for their teachings, soared high than anyone, but at the same time saddened by how the world was being devoured as if it was a massive swarm of locusts. She sank into depression and reclusion, as both vampires and werewolves were driven back by the relentless advanced of modern civilization. Until Magnus came in. Gina was sought by the megalomaniac vampire in person, and he asked her for her help in the war he desired to wage against mankind. Lupa Regina thought that maybe, a vampiric overlord would cull humans enough for nature to recover, and she lent her expertise and influence to wage war on humanity. The sole notice of her being at Magnus side made many young werewolves join the fray. But they lost. Many lives were cut. And the humans were still ruling. Regina gritted her teeth, and decided to lick her wounds, and do the job Magnus could not. Powers/Skills: Lupa is an elder werewolf, and as such she has all the enhaced traits a werewolf has, like strenght, regeneration, speed, nightvision and enhanced senses, but due to her age, those traits are much more developed than the young and tender werewolves. She can scrap tanks with her bare hands if she felt like it. Fittingly, Lupa makes use of melee attacks predominatedly, favoring her claws and fangs above anything else, although the martial arts of the east also caught her fancy and incorporated it into her routine. Lupa is also a cunning, charismatic leader and a great tactician, honed by centuries of counselling and being counselled. Due to her age and power, she can project an aura of dread and presence which make wild beasts, and young werewolves and vampires reluctant and hesitant in her presence. She can even "talk" to beasts by paying attention to their body language. Equipment/Weapons: Her dress, purse and cellphone. Doesn't need much more. Themesong:[hider][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzDCeo7oFLY[/youtube][/hider] [/hider]