"Oh, it's no trouble at all, dearie!" Grim's voice cackled. The reaper was standing in the doorway, but then he entered, allowing the door to slide shut behind him. Under the angel's hood, he wore a wide grin, revealing long, pearl-white teeth. He had unusually sharp canines, as though he had at one time filed them down into sharp points. T'vor's head snapped around to fix his gaze on the strange man, his hand hovering just within reach of his shortspear. Sephiroth merely raised an eyebrow. "I hope you aren't here for the souls of anyone I know." He said mildly. "Not today, Sephiroth, not today. T'vor, you can put your hand down, you know. You don't [i]really[/i] think you can kill [i]me[/i], do you?" The angel turned his wide grin on T'vor, however, the General did not move. Grim grinned even wider, if that were even possible, before leaning against the nearest wall. "I am just keeping my reputation right now." He paused for effect, then suddenly dropped the grin. "Actually, the souls have no need of my care for the moment, so I got bored. Figured the living would have something more entertaining going on. Which has proven true."