[hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE5OC4xYzdkNzQuU25Wc2FXRnVJRTF2Ym5SbmIyMWxjbmssLjAA/nickodemus-extremus.regular.png[/img][hr][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7ivp5baAe1rt3fn2.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Home → “The Park Nearest [His] Place” [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 12:45 → 13:00 [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Natalie via text [@HushedWhispers][/center][hr][hr][indent][indent]Julian was stretched out on the sofa, watching the latest exploits of Jennifer Lawrence in the new(ish) Hunger Games, when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Pausing the TV, he pulled it out, to discover a text from Natalie. [center][b][u]From:[/u] Natalie <3 [color=#0ef051]Hey. We need to talk. Can we meet soon? It's urgent! Plus, I miss you. :*[/color][/b][/center] This did wonders for the little ball of paranoia he had buried in his sub-conscience. Why was it urgent? Did he do something wrong earlier? Did her dad find out? Were they breaking up? Nat was probably the only girl he genuinely loved, rather than just his power, so this sudden meet-up was troubling, especially for him. If he lost Natalie, then his stupid power would’ve won, and he’d be a sex-crazed manwhore for the rest of his life. Now that was something he [i]definitely[/i] couldn’t let happen. [b][color=#157e75]”Jesus, Julian, stop overthinking. It’s probably just nothing.”[/color][/b] He tried to reassure himself, though it was hardly working. Summoning all the confidence he could muster, he took a deep breath and typed a reply, hitting send. [center][b][u]To:[/u] Natalie <3 [color=#157e75]Sure. I’ll meet you at the park nearest my place, it’s only 15 minutes away. See you there babe :) (I might be late, depends on how much I can limit human interaction :/)[/color][/b][/center] He slipped his phone back in his pocket stood up, pulling on a [url=https://cdnd.lystit.com/photos/2012/04/13/polo-ralph-lauren-light-blue-vneck-cable-knitted-jumper-product-2-3221174-556013035.jpeg]blue polo jumper[/url] over his shirt and walking towards the door. [b]”Julian, where are you going?”[/b] It was his father. [b][color=#157e75]”Oh, hi, dad. I was just headed to the park for some fresh air.”[/color][/b] [b]”Well, be careful. Long story short, there’s a gang war breaking out. Something about these new roses that can boost our powers. Do not trust any of the other families, okay? I’ll tell you more about it when you get home. Oh, and don’t stay out too long. Try to avoid girls- or, well, any person for that matter.”[/b] [b][color=#157e75]”Thanks, dad.”[/color][/b] Julian gave him a quick thumbs up before walking out. [center]-//-[/center] Luckily for him, there weren’t any wild adventures his power wanted to drag him by the ass into, so he managed to make it to the park in time, and gave him time to wonder if this was just because of what his father had told him. Sitting down on the most visible bench there, all he could do was drum his fingers on the wood as he waited for Nat to arrive, and hope to god that all this was just a discussion of the news that she’d hopefully received aswell. Instead of presuming the worst, however, he took time to ponder how this impending war would play out. He was hoping that he wouldn’t have to get too involved, aside from doing his mafia duties here and there, as he really wouldn’t want to get a hold of a rose that could [i]strengthen[/i] his power. Shaking off the horrible thought, he rested his head against the back of the wooden seat, closing his eyes. If he fell asleep, Natalie could always wake him up...[/indent][/indent]