[quote=@Jay Kalton] ooh looky what do we have here [center] [hider=Aya] [center] [hr][hr] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/908369/large.jpg[/img] [color=DarkSlateGray][i][h1]~ Aya ~[/h1][/i][/color][hr][hr] [color=DarkSlateGray]NAME[/color]: Aya Kagamine [color=DarkSlateGray]AGE[/color]: 17 [color=DarkSlateGray]BIRTHDAY[/color]: April 1st [color=DarkSlateGray]ETHNICITY[/color]: Japanese [color=DarkSlateGray]OCCUPATION[/color]: [s]Troubled[/s] School girl, usually helps around in her mother's struggling book store [color=DarkSlateGray]APPEARANCE[/color]: A skyscraper of a Japanese girl, Aya stands at around 177cm. Her hair is thick and short, and her eyes are quite thin and sharp. She's either seen in her school uniform, work unifrom or loose clothing throughout the week. Aya also wears glasses, but mainly just in school. [color=DarkSlateGray]ORIENTATION[/color]: Heterosexual [hr][hr] [color=DarkSlateGray]PERSONALITY[/color]: Aya is usually seen as this calm and quiet person who will really only speak when spoken to. She's always the one to linger in the background, and her often aloof behaviour and sharp featured face definitely gives off a stay-the-hell-away-from-me impression. In reality though, Aya is just a firework that could be set off at any moment. Stubborn, fearless, and having a no-nonsense and brutally honest attitude, Aya doesn't really attract much positive attention. If you delve a bit more into reality however, you'll find the true, hidden Aya. Going into depth about this confused, self-conscious teenager would ruin the experience though, so you guys will just have to discover what this girl's really like on your own. But in conclusion, just don't piss Aya off. Like, ever. Once the spark lights the fire, there's no going back. [color=DarkSlateGray]HISTORY[/color]: Ever since not so little Aya was born, her single mother had always been struggling to keep their lives together. From their apartment to their bookstore that was barely standing on its two feet financially, the first few years of Aya's time walking on Earth was a hard time for her mother. However, not wanting her child to be affected by such things, a smile would cover her stress, and laughter would conceal her sadness. Aya was still young then, so she didn't really notice. Then, in her first year of high school, her mother fell ill after overworking herself. It would take about a month or so for her to fully recover, but that month would be the time where Aya realised what her mother had been going through the second she was born. It was painful to discover such things at a time of bleakness and distress. Although Aya's passion for drawing had been present with her ever since childhood, a conflict within her began to boil up. She'd always wanted to become an illustrator of some sort, but would it be enough to fill Aya's pockets when she desperately needed it? Going for a much more 'praised' job would have much more advantages, right? But then again, would she rather do something she loved knowing it could be the end of her and her mother, or would she rather do something she despised knowing it would keep the both of them going on for a bit longer? [hr][hr] [color=DarkSlateGray]NICKNAMES/ALIASES[/color]: Ayaka (by her very few friends), Aya-chan (by relatives) [color=DarkSlateGray]HABITS/QUIRKS[/color]: • Chews on the ends of her pencils (especially when she's stressed or nervous) • Has a little lump on her finger since she draws so often • Is an early riser • Has an odd hate for coffee • Has an unusually deep voice, but it doesn't take an abnormally high IQ to figure out she's a woman [color=DarkSlateGray]TALENTS/HOBBIES[/color]: • Drawing • Drawing • Taking walks in the park (especially early in the morning) • • Drawing • • Reading is nice • • Going on random shopping trips to look at nice clothes • [color=DarkSlateGray]FEARS[/color]: • Being on aeroplanes • • The deep end of the swimming pool (or the fucking sea) • • Getting lost in the middle of nowhere • [color=DarkSlateGray]RELATIONSHIPS[/color]: Aya has a few friends in school, though she isn't particularly close with them. She's obviously very close to her mother, and tries to look after her the best she can. Aya's also quite friendly with the few older employees in her mother's bookstore. [color=DarkSlateGray]LIKES[/color]: • Racoons • • Spicy food • • Scaring away flocks of pigeons • [color=DarkSlateGray]DISLIKES[/color]: • Beaches • • Sweet food • [hr][hr] [/center] [/hider] [/center] [/quote] She hates flying? God she would hate real life me. -Looks at my Flight Certificates totaling to 2 Hours of Flying whilst trying to cover up that this is me bragging because I generally don't brag but I am now so blugh-