[center][img]https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F1113c2defc79a43fc9755a07f89d86db%2Ftumblr_n2hrr4Wn3M1qgfdy4o1_500.jpg&f=1[/img][color=#ff8d00][h3]Andrew Mordekai[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] 27B Faraday Heights [i][u]Interacting With[/u]:Katie and Claire [@13Nightingale][@shagranoz][/i][/center] [hr] In the dark stillness of Andrew's room, a small screen lights up, accompanied by some heavy metal band that he didn't really know the name of. A hand, along with a groan, emerged from the pile of comforters and began making sliding gestures all over the screen until one of them finally ended the cacophony. Andy hated heavy metal, but it was enough to get him up and make him want to shut it off. Lazily drawing himself out of bed, the young Witch absentmindedly stumbled over to the light switch near the door, tripping over some clutter of books. Once light stabbed into his eyes, the controlled chaos that was his room came into vision. Papers clung to the wall, denoting several incantations and runic inscriptions, along with magical fetishes hung up all around the room to ward off negative energy. Or...not let it spread, actually. Shuffling out into the cold living room, Andy only in a white tank top and gym shorts, he made his way to the kitchenette to start coffee for himself, Katie and Claire. He'd had to clean up the apartment big time with Katie moving in, as he didn't want to make her uncomfortable with all of his Witchy shit right off the bat. She was new to this, and she was understandably shook up a little. But she was making an effort to understand, Andy felt, and so he wanted to make her comfortable. No need to scare the girl to death. Claire was a different matter. She was a Witch as well, and while her school of magic was...less than Andy's favorite, she was a good woman as far as he could tell. He respected teachers with her attitude, and was glad to have Witches represented in the school system. As long as she didn't lasso in any Others. Their kitchenette was connected to the living room, a bar separating the preparation area from the rest. Andrew grabbed the remote off the bar and clicked on the TV across the room, looking over the brown leather couch to the flat screen. While the screen came on, he deftly poured the ground coffee, a nice toasty dark roast, into the filter basket and filled the reservoir, flipping on the machine and letting the dark, luscious ichor of Heaven drip into the carafe. While that brewed, Andy quickly strode down the hall and rapped on Katie's, then Claire's door. [color=#ff8d00]"Rise and shine loves, the 9 to 5 beckons!"[/color] He called, a faint smile forming on his lips. It was nice to have folks to commute with, and to share the frustrations of the day... As he came back into the room, the morning news was on. Andy found himself nodding at the mention of the Unseelie causing the storm, silently admiring their work. Sure, there could be some serious damages from the storm, and wasn't really his style, but it got the message across...and he didn't expect differently from the Unseelie. Talk about cold shoulders. He spited himself for waking Claire up after school cancellations started scrolling across the screen. He'd have to apologize... And then the mention of those "Mortals First" fucks. A pleasant morning gone south real fucking quick. The runes tattooed on Andrew's arms began to glow slightly, like embers dying on his skin. Or trying to spark to life. [color=#ff8d00]"Who the fuck gave them the right? I'll fuckin' torch 'em..."[/color] He muttered furiously, realizing his arms and trying to subdue them. His flatmates would be up soon.