Victor Pax slowly and confidently walked his way into the office of the military police. His black cloak covered his body and he carried a full cloth bag over his shoulder. The guard at the reception desk looked up at Victor with a look of surprise. The guard stood up and without a word went to grab his superior. The head of the guard was a large man who seemed to like heavy armor. His men said he never could be found without it. That the guard captain even slept in armor. With an confidence of a man who does not know how out of his league he was, the Captain spoke to Victor, "What are you doing here, Victor? You have a week to complete the mission. It has been two days. You receive no additional bonus for completing the task sooner, Merc!" "I do this for fun, not for coin." Victor replied coldly. Victor throw the bag he was carrying at the feet of Captain. The bag landed with a sickly thud on the floor. Two severed heads wearing reptilian looking masks rolled out and still oozed blood. The bag looked like it still contained more. "25 gold pieces per head." Victor continued, "That was our agreed price. I have all of the members of the Hydra bandits right here. They were not as hard to find as you have lead me to believe." The guard captain had a disgust look on his face, but smirked slightly, "Well, I can see why you chose not to wait out your full week before returning. My men will see you get your reward. In the mean time, I have a letter for you. Your eyes only. I know not what someone wants your overly... gentle touch. But they do. I don't ask questions but I suggest you take your pay and move onto this assignment quickly." The Captain handed Victor a letter and left. -------- A few days later, Victor found himself staring up at a worn out sign that read 'Grey Ox Inn'. Victor lowered his hood as he stepped through the front door of inn. There was no need for him to hid himself here. He was still an unknown to the common man and barely a whisper of a rumor to the uncommon man. Confidently, Victor strolled up to the Bar. "Please, i would like to enjoy the black mead." Victor said to the Barkeep with the smile, "I have traveled very far and have seen many things. I saw a 'bear catch two fish with one bite this morning'." That was the passcode. Getting his drink, Victor took a seat in the corner of the room where he could watch everyone.