[img]http://simg4.gelbooru.com//samples/a3/a2/sample_a3a21831b4bbac59ac250f3882544514.jpg?3078337[/img] [b][u]Petty Officer Camilla Abel[/u][/b] AEUG Mobile Suit Pilot - MS-18E Kämpfer "Lancelot" 22 Years Old, 5’7", Wavy Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes. Enveloped in the iron curtain of the Side 3 colonies, what lied beyond the opaque boundaries of her world was but a mystery to Camilla. More than anything, she yearned to see for herself the many stars that dotted the infinite cosmos with her own eyes. Perhaps for that petty reason alone, Camilla pledged her life and loyalty to the Axis Zeon as soon as she came of age, to see for herself the world outside of her home. What she saw, was nothing but ceaseless bloodshed. Her enemies would murder millions to keep themselves in power, while her allies would sacrifice anything just to cement a rule just as corrupt as the very people they are fighting against. This cycle would repeat ad infinitum, two factions of countless warriors, each blindly throwing away their lives, and for what? Discontent with the politics of war, the girl could feel no passion or sympathy for either side of the conflict. But never the less, Camilia's love for the cosmos did not waver.Even if that very thing she cherished so much had only ever been a battlefield, she would never have the heart to reject it. And thus, Camilla's love for the battle itself blossomed. For Camilla, the emergence AEUG was a blessing: No longer will Camilla resort to fighting alongside what she considers as nothing but fanatical hypocrites, but for those she believed to understand true honor in a fight. And so, as soon as the opportunity presented itself, she defected against her former allies and offered her service to the AEUG. The passionate pilot is content to continue to fight among her beloved stars -- like the chivalrous knights of times past she admires -- as only in war, would Camilla be truly be at peace. Indeed, so long as Camilla sees space as a stage reserved for war and war alone, she could never denounce her love for an honorable quarrel.