[b]Username:[/b] Austronaut [b] Character Name:[/b] Biancca Del’Arivara [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Career (if any) and Skills:[/b] Duelist Dancer [b]Weapons:[/b] Rapier, Dagger, brace of dueling pistols. Throwing knives. [b]Attire:[/b] Biancca dresses in a mercenary’s approximation of court dress. She wears an ensemble of white and red silks with a tightly fitting leather vest. Stylish but functional leather boots round of the costume as well as a red cape, popular in Tilean dueling circles. [b]Equipment/Other[/b] [b]Poisons:[/b] Raised in affluence Biancca knows the polite way of doing things. [b]Clothing:[/b] Biancca’s affection for pretty dresses and clothes is something of a joke. She dosen’t travel light if she dosen’t have to. [b]Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):[/b] Biancca is a beautiful Tilean woman, with dark hair and sparkling dark eyes. She has a classically beautiful heart shaped face, the kind Tilean painters like to use for a model. Red lips form a little cupid’s bow mouth that make her seem friendly and more innocent than she actually is. About average height she possesses a lithe grace and her slight frame supported tightly corded muscle. She has a dancer's physique which has treated her well in the mercenary life. [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] Biancca is vivacious and loves life. She is quick to anger and quick to forgive. She has a regrettable tendency to leap before she looks and to become caught up in the drama of a situation when she should rightly be paying attention to business. While generally friendly, she can be mercurial, and quick to be swayed by a handsome face or convincing oratory. [b]Background/History:[/b] Biancca was born into the lower Tilean aristocracy and spent her girlhood in and around the various petty courts of that war torn kingdom. As a result she has an unusually good education, particularly in etiquette, and speaks like a noble. Unfortunately for Biancca her various bastard uncles were a staple in the mercenary trade and filled her head with tales of glory and adventure. Quickly the safe walls seemed stuffy and constricting. It was no real challenge to use some of her allowance to get some training and to use her looks to convince amorous bravo’s to show her a trick or two with sword or pistol. By the time she turned seventeen she enlisted in a mercenary company with the sponsorship of her Uncle Rodrigo. Sleeping rough wasn’t all it was cracked up to be but she found adventure and excitement a’plenty.