Nadeline would lead her troop over to the old throne room, and as she would look at the flowers, the realization would start to sink in. It wasn't that she believed Emiri was lying, but the fact of the matter was that Justine was truly dead. She couldn't believe it, even as she would see the woman in the coffin, still as glass. For a moment, she almost believed Justine would open her eyes once more, but as the minutes would pass, the truth would come down on Nadeline much harder than she had anticipated. She would reach out, lightly touching Justine's face, and would shake her head as she trembled. No, she would not cry. Managing to compose herself, instead she would clasp her hands in a silent prayer. She hoped that Justine would reach the afterlife peacefully. Once she finished, she brought a hand to her face as she would shake her head once more. "[b][color=fdc68a]Forgive me, I...I was not prepared for this.[/color][/b]" She admitted to Wesley and Savayna. "[b][color=fdc68a]Even when my grandfather had passed, I was never one for funerals. Of course, I had my young age as an excuse at the time, but now...[/color][/b]" She would then refocus, a serious look on her face. "[b][color=fdc68a]The casualties must have been astronomical for them to use the castle for the wounded. The people will not stand for this.[/color][/b]" She stated grimly, looking at Wesley as he would surely catch her implications. [hr] Grant relaxed in his seat fully, not quite as reserved as Nadeline. He needed some damn rest, though he was disappointed when Jaakuna would remain. The blonde would take a seat next to him, and for some reason, this made Grant sit upright once more. Perhaps there was something he wanted to talk about. But when Jaakuna would sigh, there was something in the pit of his stomach, a feeling he couldn't shake off. Jaakuna would then speak, informing Grant of something he had done. The prince was silent for a moment. He was truly afraid to ask at this point. He was honestly glad that everyone saw him as a confidant, but in all honesty, anytime Jaakuna had confessed to anything, it always meant bad news. His golden eyes would remain on the table in front of him as he would speak, "[b][color=92278f]There was something bothering me this whole time.[/color][/b]" He would admit to Jaakuna. "[b][color=92278f]Emiri had regained her memories much too quickly. No, that wasn't it. She's not really herself right now. We can all see it.[/color][/b]" Grant would tear his gaze away from the table, staring directly at Jaakuna. "[b][color=92278f]I don't know why, but I fear what you're about to tell me has something to do with her.[/color][/b]" He said. "[b][color=92278f]Please tell me I'm wrong.[/color][/b]" [hr] Jaakuna had told her to rest. And yet Emiri's legs would lead her once more to her father. Her frail, silent father. She would slowly sink to her knees beside him, placing her hands on his. He was so still, but he was breathing. He was alive, why wasn't that good enough for her? She wanted to see him smile at her, she wanted to hear his voice. As he was now, he may as well have been dead. The suspense was killing her on the inside. "[b][color=f6989d]Papa, wake up,[/color][/b]" She pleaded with him, as if hoping her voice would stir him. As nothing would happen, she could feel despair gripping at her heart. The gentle headache would subside for a moment as she would grip the blankets around her father. "[b][color=f6989d]There's something wrong with me, Papa. I don't know why, but I feel so--so angry all the time. At Lorenzo, at Nadeline, at myself, everything...! Papa, Papa, I'm scared![/color][/b]" She whimpered. "[b][color=f6989d]Why can't I quell this--this burning hatred inside of me? I feel like something is eating at my mind, but I don't know what to do! Even when I think to tell someone, it's my mouth won't function. Someone else starts speaking for me, but it's still me, but these dark, evil thoughts I had tucked away deep in my heart...[/color][/b]" She would put one hand on her chest, shaking her head. "[b][color=f6989d]I think...I think it started when I saw Mama. She's dead...and you know what the first thing I felt was? I was surprised, but then I felt happy. I actually felt [i]happy[/i] that my own mother was [i]dead[/i]! When Grant's mother died, he was so sad, he was miserable, when the previous Emperor died, everyone was sad, but me? I'm happy. I'm happy, Papa![/color][/b]" She let out a small giggle, adjusting her position so she would look at him better. "[b][color=f6989d]She'll never bother me again, Papa. She'll never bother us again. So please, please get better. It'll just be you and me, but I promise, I'll take good care of you, Papa. We don't need Mama anymore.[/color][/b]" Emiri would laugh, a joyful smile on her face as her eyes shone with delight. "[b][color=f6989d]She's dead. The wicked witch is dead. The bitch is dead.[/color][/b]"