[center][color=goldenrod][h3]~* Ari, The Big Bad Wolf *~[/h3][/color][/center] The loud growls from the wolfs stomach continued to become painfully obvious, even to the small critters around the woods who had taken up on scattering in all directions when the gray haired youth passed by. With a loud, and an audible sigh, Ari ruffled his hair a bit as the golden orbs looked around once his feet came to a stop. Patting his stomach, the wolf almost soothingly hummed, as he tried to think back to the last proper meal he had indulged himself in, as he remembered the cats lunch from a few days prior. Perhaps Ari should have played it a bit more smart and saved some of it, but after the hard earned work of sneaking off with the meal without the other knowledge, he just couldn't help himself but to gulp it down in almost one go. The thought of the meal got the wolf to salivate, it wasn't often he had actually gotten made food that was still pretty fresh. The last time he had stirred up some teens on a picnic, they freaked out to the extent that sent the food flying everywhere. Despite the taste of dirt, it hadn't tasted all that bad. And of course, stealing the cats lunch was actually one of the petty ways the wolf had tried to scare the other away from his house. His woods, his lake, and his dilapidated human establishment! Kicking a rock, the golden orbs watched as the peddle skipped off across the grass, as the youth tried his best to bring his thought out of his daydream of food, picking up on the long strides once again. Though, perhaps the wolfs timing couldn't have been better, as a little white cotton tail came into view just briefly, before darting off into the bushes. Mentally cursing himself for kicking that rock before actually looking around himself, Ari lowered himself down to all four and picked up his pace. Ari rose himself up to his toes, as his fingertips dug into the dirt and grime with each and every step, as the growls from his stomach almost instantly came to a stop or were forgotten. Now the predatory golden orbs had only one goal in mind; the white rabbit. The swift movements, as well as the speed only showed the wolf had perhaps spent his entire life in the woods; resulting in the boy being more of a predator then human. The chase got the wolfs heart to race, as well as his blood to rush through him, resulting in the wolf grinning and baring his fangs. The thought of sinking his teeth into the white fluffed flesh almost got his stomach to cry out for the meat to meet his lips. The golden orbs tried their best to follow the movement of the white fluff ball that had jumped off just moments ago, but it was almost like the rabbit was toying with him. Taunting him forward, as each time the golden orbs met with the cotton tail, it disappeared once more into the distance. Though perhaps Ari had been right, the rabbit perhaps was heading off to the lake to sedate it's thirst due to them gradually closing in on the clear and cool blue. Then again, the rabbit could also just be running for it´s life.