[@Argetlam350] Saoirse laughed at Scorn's offer. "[i]Legal[/i], hm? Don't pull that shit with me, sweet heart. By what means would a [i]wendigo[/i] do anything legal? Are you secretly a lawyer behind that hood and face paint?" She replied. "As for business partnerships... I don't know. Give me some time to think about it." =========================== One month has passed since Darian had seemingly died, and for the most part, Saoirse has moved on with her life. Since that day, she's lived a more secluded life. She rarely leaves her room for anything aside from the essentials, like eating and bathing, and for the occasional run. Since then she has grown slightly thinner and paler but other than that, she has not changed much. Today was going to be one of those usual, calm rainy days that Saoirse enjoyed so much. And, unlike normal people, she thought today would be a good day to go for a run. Saoirse was dressed up in her usual noodle strap camisole, sweat pants, and red hoodie that draped over her face. She was strangely bare foot, but that was simply how she liked to run, feeling the Earth and concrete beneath her feet; even if it meant that she might get a scrape or two. Running down the streets of NYC, Saoirse was drenched from head to toe and she loved it. The cold feeling of the air, the sight of her own breath coming out as steam, even the feeling of her clothes and hair plastered to her face. Today was just another good day.... Or so she thought. Saoirse was running down the street when something, huddled up in an ally, out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She cautiously approached the figure. As she neared what she could only assume to be a homeless person, she caught the scent of something familiar. A warm, sweet scent... Something not human, a [i]dangerous[/i] scent. She knew this scent and she knew who it belonged to. She wanted to believe that it wasn't possible, but at this point, after everything she had experienced a month ago; anything was possible. Saoirse kneeled down before the fainted and beaten up body of her soulmate. She pressed her forehead against Dorian's and sighed deeply, then smiled weakly. "You are a horrible, horrible man, you know that? Abandoning me for a month... And what's worse... I can't seem to escape from you." She murmered to him, then caressed his cheek. She then gently kissed him with a comforting and gentle warmth; almost as if she were breathing a new life into him. She sighed softly once again then removed her hoodie and draped it over him like a blanket. Saoirse looked around and made sure nobody was looking, then changed to her wolf form and layed next to him, placing her head on his lap, then fell asleep next to him. [@dark light]