[center] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/7/7f/Ant-Man_vol2_(2014)_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20141218151813[/img][/center] An hour later, Scott Lang found himself piloting one of the Justice League’s javelins. At first glance you’d think that he was pretty relaxed about the situation at hand; he was sat nonchalantly in the pilot’s seat, his feet stretched out in front of him on top the dashboard, the javelin’s autopilot sequence doing all the work. Despite this casual appearance however, Scott was actually extremely puzzled, something that surprisingly didn’t happen often. Raz had explained things in a simple enough manner for Scott to understand; last night Hank Pym, Scott’s former mentor, had been attacked. Normally such a thing wouldn’t be an issue, with Hank being a super-hero and all, yet this attack was different. His attackers had in fact been a swarm of insect sized machine. Machine’s that seemed to be able to override all of Pym’s tech, resulting in the man being powerless to stop them. Well not all his tech it would seem. During the fight, Hank had managed to make use of an old Pym Particle Disc that had been lying around from his old days as Ant-Man. This led him to believe that the insect-esque robots were only programmed to override the Professor’s newest equipment due to his old Ant-Man equipment having been created using an older system. Hence why he had sent Scott an email. That would teach Scott not to ignore his emails. Due to the nature of the robot’s designs, Hank had narrowed down the subject to one man; Bertram Larvan. Larvan had been a former employee at Pym Tech, working directly for Pym himself. For years he specialised in robotics, and when Hank began working on finding a way to communicate and control insect, tried to convince him that his robots was the way forward. When Hank refused, Bertram flew into a rage, quitting his job and disappearing from the face of the Earth. That was anyway, until now. As a result of a combination of Hank’s genius and the Watchtower’s satellites, a signal found resonating from a captured robotic insect informed them that it had originated from an abandoned warehouse in Ivy Town. Scott had left the watchtower immediately, although not before informing Cap’ and Thor about his absence. As much as he would like to help deal with finding this Captain America impersonator, Larvan needed to be stopped before he could send his insects to attack anyone else! “[color=a36209]Ant-Man?[/color]” Raz’s voice suddenly appeared over the communicator, jumping Scott out of his thoughts. “[color=crimson]You called, my good man?[/color]” Scott replied calmly as he shifted him body so that he was sat up straight, tucking his feet back underneath the controls. “[color=a36209]Prepare for arrival.[/color]” Scott knew exactly what he was going to say before his friend even uttered the words, event by the shift in altitude. Leaning forward, he stared intently out of the javelin’s cockpit windows, watching as the aircraft descended downwards towards the city. The industrial region definitely wasn’t as scenic as the rest of the city, yet its old rustic buildings still had some charm to them. As the craft lowered, Scott leant back flicking a brightly coloured switch above his head. At once a soft hum resonated throughout the javelin as the ship’s stealth technology activated. Content that the craft was currently undetectable from any scanners or even from anyone’s eyesight, he span around in his chair and made his way through the hull, grabbing his helmet from the side as he did so. After squeezing on the helmet, he issued numerous commands to his miniscule co-workers, who proceeded to follow the super-hero towards the back. As he approached the backdoor, he shrunk downwards towards the floor, jumping into the air slightly as he did so. During his decent, he elegantly landed himself on the back of a winged carpenter ant, which took him down gently towards the floor. Before they landed, the a hiss echoed around them for a brief second as the javelin’s backdoor opened, although only a fraction of the way. That was more than enough for Scott and his ants however, with him riding his ant straight through the hole, followed by a whole platoon of fellow winged carpenters. As the swarm of ants descended upon the targeted warehouse below, Scott pat his trusty steed proudly. “[color=crimson]Antony, welcome to Ivy Town![/color]”