If [@Mistress Dizzy] and [@DJAtomika] group up with the rest of the School Side Plot folks, then I should be able to get that steaming ahead. So, to recap, [b]for the school folks:[/b] Kaede, Rena and Akihito are running to the clock tower, with Sakura following. Jin was last spoken to by Sakura. Senhime and Aloha-kun were left at the clubroom after the others ran off. And Hantaru's could likely run into the other runners while heading to Lit. [b]And for the City Side:[/b] Koizumi and Katsu are on the streets (not sure where [@Rosalite] is right now, but [@Conflagration] I should be able to get you started once everything's in position), Daisuke and Kimiko are also on the streets, Kiritsugu's near my plot hook so that's all-g, [s]California Roll[/s] Arina's probably going to be on the streets once she walks back from grocery shopping, and Reiji's entrance depends on whether [@Inkd Bull] wishes to post before or after I hit the plot hook.