Several long minutes passed as Waldo loudly continued to praise and admire his new establishment. While the estate wouldn’t do much in filling his pockets, primarily due to the almost negligible amount of rent Waldo was charging, the thought of owning his own little doghouse away from home was a thrilling one, and he frankly couldn’t wait to acquire his first wild beastkin… err tenant. Growing impatient as the seconds ticked by, he was startlingly surprised when he turned his head to lock eyes with the amber orbs of what looked like man with freakishly long furred ears. The shape of the Jackrabbit’s pupils though indicated quite clearly though that the youth wasn’t some escapee from a circus, but one of the many beastkin Waldo had waited countless nights to meet. “Oh… Ohhhhh~” Waldo exclaimed, his entire body shaking with excitement as he flung his arms out to either side and swiftly waddled his way towards Lapis, acting like a needlessly mirthful uncle meeting his nephew for the first time since birth. “You’re finally here!” he shouted, and although his voice was almost threatening, the childishly wide green splitting his face from ear to ear couldn’t have been mistaken for someone with the intent to harm. Fortunately for Lapis though, Waldo’s attention was quickly diverted as he noticed a much smaller figure hidden behind the shadow of the Jackrabbit. Unfortunately the fortune that graced the rabbit wouldn’t extend to the Nightingale girl, and if human beings could pop with excitement, Waldo would have turned into a bright neon green balloon at the very moment. Hurriedly brushing aside Lapis, and nearly knocking him over in the process, Waldo swiftly closed in on Yennifer like an enraged hippopotamus ready to swallow its prey whole. Had Waldo considered any of them to be his equal he would have acted… more like a gentleman, but they were lowly beastkin, and until they graduated they were figuratively part of his collection. “No, no, no, that won’t do at all my fair little dove” Waldo stated, stopping so close to Yennifer that a step further would have knocked Yennifer over with his bulging belly. “A precious little damsel such as yourself shan’t carry such enormous bags while the Great Waldo draws breath!” With terrifying strength and vigor he abruptly snatched the large case Yennifer had been holding preciously from her grasp and hurled it in Lapis’s general direction. Uncaring of the content as Yennifer was the treasure Waldo had truly been looking forward to. Not even the case being pulled along was spared as that too was violently flung aside, though this time it was Kuon who had silently appeared out of nowhere to prevent the case from being hurled onto the ground. “You, fine lady remind me of delicate little daffodils swaying gently in the breeze on an open plain. So very beautiful, but also so very fragile. I’m sure you’ve experienced much hardship in getting here, allow me to-“ Waldo started only to cut himself off as another winged ‘angel’ came unto the scene. “Ah forgive my hastiness, I hadn’t noticed you’re fair sister had travelled with you! Fear not my little sunflower for today truly is a marvelously wonderful day” Waldo boomed, his face flushed red not with embarrassment, but purely ecstatic happiness. “Where are my manners though? Pardon me fine queen’s, I…” he paused allowing the spotlight of the moment to center in on himself before elaborately continuing “Am the Great Waldo Maria’Shante du Blanche, your humble little benefactor for the upcoming year” he boasted, grinning pridefully as he figured that fact that his name alone would be enough to make them all grovel in his brilliance. And if not. the charitable act of offering them a place to stay surely would. [hr] Kuon sighed loudly, as he caught Yennifer’s case, and carefully placed it off to the side where Waldo couldn’t possibly knock it over. The feline youth apologetically nodded their head towards Yennifer, though whether the white-winged girl could see them or not was doubtful. After all, it wasn’t every day beastkin had to endure the threat of a round green whale shoved in their faces. A decent attendant probably would have tried to attempt damage control… but anyone who’d worked with Waldo for even an hour quickly would realize how futile such an attempt would be. Furthermore Kuon didn’t have the patience, nor care to interrupt the bulbous one’s childishly arrogant antics. Allowing they’re slightly narrowed eyes to gaze over the group that had quickly assembled, Kuon’s golden orbs were immediately drawn; not by the flaming red hair, nor the two winged girls who Waldo might as well have been sexually harassing. It wasn’t even the mountainous monstrosity that towered over Lapis that made Kuon silently scoot over with curiousity… though admittedly the latter was the one Kuon approached. “This is the animal farm you’ll be staying at, yes… though… will he be staying with us as well?” Kuon asked monotonously, they’re expression giving away neither excitement nor disapproval, as they gazed calmly up at Ozzy to indicate they were being spoken to. The question might have seemed puzzling to any other, but even if Ozzy himself was baffled by the question, the constant flicker of Kuon’s eyes towards the stuffed white animal Ozzy had brought with him hopefully explained things clearly enough for the other.