Eiko took in Arya's words carefully, and watched as if she was scanning the entire base as it came under attack."[color=0076a3] Well a little heads up would've been nice, pretty stupid of them to just let themselves be attacked this way.[/color]" Eiko said aloud."[color=0076a3] But it's better than getting held down and stopped from doing what we need to do.[/color]" Eiko told her. The pale woman put the sub machine gun onto her back before saying."[color=0076a3] I'm not the type of person that does a lot of research Arya, I'm the type of person that gets things done, things other people can't do on their own, or have trouble completing. You understand ?[/color]" She asked the captain of the ship speaking to her as if she was either her equal subordinate. Eiko turned around and left the bridge to go back out onto the deck, she didn't feel as if she needed to rest so she just simply patrolled around the ship, if she felt like she had the time to, she would spar against the others to see their true skills. [hr] [@Aragorn]