It was too damn hot! Torao's tail swished idly in annoyance as he wiped at the sweat beading his brow. From colder lands far to the north, the white tiger beastkin had been cursing the weather for the last few days - ever since he left the forest, in fact. At least there the trees had provided him with some shelter; out here the sun could beam down on him with all its unwanted heat and light. He'd long ago stripped off his heavy jacket and if not for the absurd human ideas of [i]'decency'[/i] he would have stripped off his shirt too. He paused at the gates of the city, checking the map he'd been given - and also, although he'd never admit it to himself, using the moment to steady his nerves. He scanned the map again before returning it to his pack, and checking everything he'd brought with him: his pack, containing all the belongings he'd need at the Academy (spare clothing, books and writing tools), the long dagger in its beaded sheath at his belt and the spear he carried, the sharp head covered now in waterproof oilskin tied tight around it as proof of his peaceful intentions. Outdated the weapon may well have been, but all of Torao's ancestors had been trained in the use of the weapon and it was a strict tradition - one of his family would as soon as cut off their own tail as forego to learn the spear. His finger flexed nervously around the shaft of the weapon as he remembered his father's parting words with his hands resting heavily on his younger son's shoulders: [i]You are the son of warriors and leaders. Make us proud, my son. Never forget you are tigerkin.[/i] A thin smile tugged at his lips; his elder brother's last words as he'd awkwardly embraced his younger sibling had been shorter and more to the point, hissed furiously in his ear: [i]For pity's sake, don't fuck up.[/i] He took a deep breath. [i]Okay. Son of warriors. I can do this.[/i] Anyway, he would get to see the human city, and the capital at that! Settling his spear on his shoulder, he walked in through the wide gate. Within moments Torao was feeling overwhelmed - he'd never imagined a city could be so big! Full of noise and colour and a variety of different smells. His nose wrinkled a little - not all of them were pleasant, either. He found himself staring at the people rushing around, all seemingly intent on going somewhere. So many humans! He drew a few curious stares himself - he supposed it was rare to see one of his kind so far from their own lands. The noisy clattering of wheels on cobbles caused him to turn and see the biggest beastkin he'd ever clapped eyes on ambling down the street to the side and stopping in front of the inn he'd been told would be his home while he was studying (Ozzy). The larger beastkin was asking if this was the inn they'd be staying at. Torao strode up quietly behind the larger new arrival, stepping to one side to get a glimpse of his fellow students. As well as the massive bear and a cart full of... stuff, there was a small redheaded bird girl, another, very pale bird girl and...[i]that is the biggest freaking rabbit I've ever seen![/i] Only the lessons in the correct way for a warrior to behave kept Torao from goggling open-mouthed or laughing out loud in disbelief at the sight of a red rabbit, taller than he was by several inches, dressed like a particularly colourful pirate, complete with earrings. His lips quirked very slightly in a smile, although the tip of his tail twitched with nervousness. [i]Okay - I think this is going to be interesting, if nothing else.[/i]