[h3][color=pink]Lapis[/color][/h3] The sudden approach of the jiggling grinning man somehow did not phase Lapis, though his ears swirled to show dislike. That and that he is listening to the approach of the others. Two birds...and a Bear. He had a feeling he would get along with the bear, being that bears were the kindest beast kin he's run into. Tending to be willing to trade honey for his jarred fruits and willing to lend a helping hand when needed and defend when necessary. His thoughts were interrupted by a flying case, of which he managed to catch. He lightly puts it with the other case and went to his cart to move it closer. There is a perfect tree to chain his cart to, so he does so. A large chain goes through both front wheels, loops around the tree, and gets locked with a large iron padlock. The key goes into a secret pocket in his boot. He re approaches the group and studies them, knowing full well that not every beast kin was friendly....and most humans had a different agenda. Like the man housing them. He seemed friendly enough, but why...he could just be friendly, but time would tell soon enough. He puts a fist over his heart and bows his head, giving respect to the man. [color=pink]"I thank you for housing me Mr.Blanche"[/color] Respect given for housing....since that is a rather nice thing to do for someone in need. That and usually respect goes a long way with others...sometimes humans. His ears flick and his nose twitches as he realizes a predator approached. His focus going straight to the tiger, a slight two finger salute of greeting went the tiger's way.