[center][h3][color=2e3192]A L E X G RA Y S O N[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@lydyn] via text [b]Location:[/b] Alex's room [hr] Alex had been rather surprised by the invite. It wasn’t the fact that he barely knew any of them that made it so surprising. It was the fact that they barely even knew him and they still asked. So how could he refuse? Those were his thoughts the day he was invited. His boss allowed him the few days off. Which everyone but Alex would have expected. As it was only his first year, he thought he’d have to work the whole year around before earning a holiday. However, he worked more after-hours than all the rest of the programming team combined. And that was without counting the unofficial hours. Hours he worked back at home till midnight. It was safe to say Alex was on good terms with the team and the boss. He just didn’t realize it yet. “I told you. If any of the servers go down, I’ll fix them. Just relax back at Disneyland.” Alex was on the phone with Matt, literally his oldest friend, while he was packing his bag. Well, packing might have been a nice word for throwing and pushing it all in, hoping he’d have enough space. Alex was not a tidy person. “Okay, but if anything happens. Just call me okay. Those little babies are fickle like hell and-“he was going to continue his rant about how unpredictable they were, but Matt broke him off: “Alex, I know you’re so damn superstitious but nothing is going to happen. Just enjoy your time off.“ Matt didn’t give him the time to explain why he was so damn superstitious about the servers. Matt, who heard the reasons a thousand times, hung up on him. With a deep sigh he cramped the final shirt in his bag and managed to close it. Then Tas’ text came in. To Alex, Nat seemed the most mysterious person there was in the apartment. That was mostly because she wasn’t at the apartment. He heard her name quite often when others talked. Apparently she just vanished for a few weeks. To Alex, such behavior was extremely odd. He had too much that tied him down. Between the servers and his friends back overseas, he would not be able to just vanish one day. Too much could and would go wrong. But on the other side, he did understand. Sometimes he wished he could just vanish for 2 weeks and think about himself. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even Matt, but he still thought about Julie quite often. He hadn't given it time to process. Mostly because he was afraid in what mess he might turn if he did. He couldn't collapse into a devestated mess again. Not with everything that happened around him. Rose’s text followed soon after. Rose was new, just like Alex. She asked if she could go with someone. He figured that she may not have made many friends yet, just like him. Back home he often saw how the new people often stick together, bonding over their newness before they start making friends with the larger, older group of friends. A massive pack that knows each other always looks less daunting when you’re not going at them completely alone. [center] [b]To Rose:[/b] [color=2e3192]You can ride with me if you want.[/color] [/center]