[b]Character:[/b] Danielle Mason [b]Location:[/b] Leaving the Church of the Creator and heading elsewhere [b]With:[/b] No one...but herself... [hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=SEASONS%20IN%20THE%20ABYSS&name=Shoguns%20Clan.ttf&size=60&style_color=FFFFFF[/img][/center] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxVBVSs7szY The church had returned to its normal dilapidated state, but the horrors she had witnessed remained fresh in her mind...and always will remain there till her very end. She stood up, her knees buckling slightly, still the shiver of the adrenaline coursing through her veins, a jolting high that faded away into a debilitating crash as the pain racking her body intensified. God...that thing slung her around something fierce. It was as though every bone in her body was shattered porcelain, a fragile frame that was doing all it could to keep her standing. From head to toe she was covered in a disgusting coat of dry, sticky blood, blood that still smelled so awful, like a corpse left in a dumpster on a hot summer day riddled with worms and maggots. With tired, bloodshot eyes, she looked around at the church, the perpetual darkness giving way to more cracks of lightning across the dull gray skies of tumultuous storm clouds...now receding to give the ominous, pale light of the full moon beaming through gaps in the plated roof. [i]"I don't understand...."[/i] Danielle whispered to herself, feeling nothing more than confused...alone...and lost. Between the visions, the nightmares, the horrible things she had seen....and now this... Nothing made sense to the teen anymore. It was as if the very world she lived in was caving in around her, leaving Dani in nothing more than a deep, dark abyss. Her mother...or at least the thing that turned into her.... it wasn't real, and yet, Danielle felt it attack her, felt its horrible words infiltrate her ears, damning her to an eternity of Hell filled with guilt, filled with remorse. Felt its claws cleaving into her flesh and leaving her broken and torn. [i]"Why....why is this happening to me?"[/i] Was she going crazy? Without another thought, the old, rusted doors of the church opened, creaking and groaning amidst a cool breeze that held a more pleasant...but still a foreboding scent. Nevertheless...Danielle was free to go but only from the church. Not...from this nightmare. [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/forest-hearts/images/3/3a/Forest.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141220194007[/img][/center] To be honest, her first steps outside the church were akin to a baby fawn learning to walk, learning to begin its journey into a strange and bewildering new world. She stumbled in the dark, pulling her jacket closer to combat the ill chilling winds of the unsaintly weather. All around her, on all sides, trees that were withered and dying flanked her, no leaves to cover their naked, thorny branches that bristled like the tendrils of some Lovecraftian cacophony. A dense, unearthly mist shrouded it all in obscurity, glowing a cool, demure shade of blue from the moonlight beaming through the dead canopy. This place...as if the church alone was creepy enough, this was a whole new level of fear. For a moment or so, she could catch....[i]things[/i]...peeking from beyond the thick of the trunks and wilted shrubbery, eyes that gleamed wolfen yellow with hunger, insatiable, ravenous hunger. And worse...her flashlight was dimming ever more, soon a struggle just to keep it lit...for one more minute, one desperate minute Danielle needed its comforting light. [i]"Why am I here?"[/i] She wondered aloud while shuffling through the forest, paranoid eyes flickering left and right just to catch frail glimpses of the shadows that were...stalking her. How she wanted to just...[i]wake up[/i] from this nightmare...