[h3]Turn 12[/h3] [hider=KahleenCuthald+greywolf375] With the lights on, you can read the labels on the panels easier, though most of them are referred to simply by a number designation. You can see the red and green buttons are labeled "[color=ed1c24]EMERGENCY STOP[/color]" and "[color=8dc73f]POWER RESET[/color]" respectively. On the 5x5 panel, [color=fff200]each switch has a coordinate[/color] written next to it, starting with "A1" in the top left and ending in "E5" in the bottom right. [hider=Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5XDWM3L.png[/img] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Nyu Nyu] [b]DEFAULT ACTION: HIDE[/b] Not knowing what to do, [color=00a651]you hide behind some metal sheets[/color], hoping you won't be seen. [hider=Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qSLtlVt.png[/img][/hider] [/hider] The dull drone of the elevator suddenly stops. Moments later, you hear faint shuffling coming from somewhere.