[color=f7941d][h1][b]Arna Renheim[/b][/h1][/color] Arna texted the address of the apartment building, as well as the apartment number, to Brian, and put her phone down. She leaned back, looking at the ceiling fan which rotated in it's normal, ceaseless fashion. Getting up from the bed, she walked over to the door, and left the simple room. She had planned on taking a shower, but it seemed that Liana currently occupied that space, and Arna would be waiting for a short while. She had decided to go raid the fridge for food, and immediately walked to the kitchen. Upon arrival, she found her mother leaning over a glass of water, in a groggy, disheveled form. Arna's mother halfheartedly waved to her daughter over the counter, before returning her attention to the glass of water, which now seemed to be the most interesting object in the old woman's view. "Mum, you alright?" Arna asked, as her mother took a few sips from the glass. "Yea, I'm alright, just tired. I'll just rest for the day, I guess." "You do that, then." Arna understood her mother's worn out state, considering that she worked almost nonstop on very little sleep. The woman deserved rest. "Oh, got anything to eat?" She asked her mother, who's attention remained on that glass of water, which remained as engaging as ever. "Yea. Eggs and stuff, all in the fridge. Just clean up after yourself." Arna walked past her tired mother, and made her way to the refrigerator, pulling out a carton of eggs along with a few other things. It had been a while since Arna had cooked for herself, since she spent most of her time living in hotels, eating at fancy restaurants and such. Of course, she wasn't complaining, but a good home cooked meal was always welcome. Arna let her thoughts wander onto dreams of the future as she tried to remember how a stove worked.