I decided to go in a different direction. Let me know if there is anything I need to change [@TheUnknowable] [hider=Zane Kardon] Name: Zane Kardon Age: 24 Race: Human Appearance: [img]http://pre07.deviantart.net/fa61/th/pre/f/2011/099/c/8/c8a0651399cd6e655950456379335460-d3dmujo.jpg[/img] Common skills: Tinkering, Reading, Writing, Engineering, Basic Smithing, and Chemistry Fighting skills: Trap Setting, Crossbow usage Magical skills: Zane understands the basic theories and practice of elementalism though he cannot use any elemental magic himself. However, working in a magic workshop and further training when he joined the Imperial Military, he has learned the art of Enchanting and some Arcane abilities in order to imbue objects. At the moment, he can only consistently enchant objects with Light. Arcane Spells: -Light: causes an object to glow -Push: pushes a targeted object or person with a small burst of force. Not strong enough to cause permanent damage but may cause an enemy to fall or become unbalanced. Languages: Imperial, Dwarvish Personality: Zane is overwhelmingly curious about the world, but usually displays it in a friendly enthusiastic manner. During downtime, he is usually upbeat and enjoys explaining what concepts he is currently working on or another subject he has knowledge of. He could be referred to as naive, and while that is somewhat true, he sees it as being more optimistic for the future. However, once he has had an idea he focuses all of his attention upon his project until it is complete usually forgetting to eat or sleep for long periods of time and hates to be interrupted. Bio: Zane is the son of newly wealthy merchant, previously a working class man who teamed up with a group of dwarven smiths to create high quality goods. His father thought his son should be educated as any nobleman in order to make his own way in the world so Zane was tutored from a young age in most subjects, though Zane preferred the sciences. He grew a penchant for tinkering, spending most of his free time with the dwarven smiths who taught him the basics of their work. As he grew older he sought out and gained apprenticeship in magic workshop where he spent his time learning his basic magic skills before finally joining the military to satisfy his curiously about this new world. Equipment: Medium Crossbow, Quiver with 10 Bolts, Knife, Leather aprons and gloves, basic enchanting military gear, key to Fort Narselis smithy, small bag of stones used for enchantment practice (several have light enchantments), various bits and pieces of materials such as twine, slightly melted boots, uniforms and basic clothing, a well worn cloak with plenty of pockets on the inside, and a book titled On the Arcane and Enchanting (going away present from Father). Why did you join?: The Imperial Military are currently the only ones to travel to the New Continent. The lands are filled with new discoveries just waiting to be found and Zane wants to be one of the first ones to work with any new materials found. In addition, the Imperial Military has fantastic access to materials that he will need cost-free. [/hider]