[@Krinos Solstice] All she could do was close her eyes tightly and nod, knowing he had to do this and hating it. If the world was perfect, if no one ever fought, if every person could just work together no matter their race or origin, then they could be together. [color=a187be]"I can't say goodbye to you," [/color]she said. [color=a187be]"Please don't ask me to. Swear nothing will happen to you. Swear you will never die."[/color] He pulled back and pulled out the ring and the pain in her heart increased. Tears streamed freely, though she made no sound. Her fingers closed over the symbol of his promise as he turned from her to leave. When he stopped and turned she closed the distance between them and kissed him. It was a gentle kiss, full of longing. When the kiss broke she placed her forehead against his, her eyes closed and her hands on his face. [color=a187be]"Return to me."[/color] If she had only known those were the last words she would say to him as she was : young, hopeful and in love. For Tyme did not keep his promise. And Lyona's heart turned cold and calloused with anger.