Echo sat in her mobile workshop working on modifying a wrist saw for a client who'd paid good money for what she saw as a worthless piece of crap. He wanted a monowire saw that could fit into half the space as a conventional spin saw even though she'd tried to talk him into replacing the entire unit with a vibro blade that was almost off the shelf. As she inhabited the micro factory she could skill recall their conversation. "I know what I want and I want the thing to be monowire, I'm comfortable with monowire systems. They cut the molecular bonds of materials and do it without a sound, vibro blades make that dam hum and don't do the job as quick or surgically" Her client had said stating his case "That's true but the modifications you want me to make to your monowire saw will limit it's cutting depth to only 4.45 Cm. Not to mention that it will also create an inherent structural flaw in the device that any moron with a rudimentary skill in engineering can see before it's done says an exasperated Echo. Then she returns to work on what she considers a substandard device remembering what the sales people at her mom's company used to say "The customer is always right" "Bullshit they're always right, if they really understood what they wanted then they'd build it themselves" she grumbled Four hours and twenty minutes later after adjusting and installing the piece of crap into the guys arm Echo looked at him asking "Well I tried as much as I could with your bullshit request to make it work and it dose but I won't guarantee it past three maybe four uses if you're careful and not one if you aren't" He popped the blade in and out checking it's responses to his command as he smiled. Then looking up at Echo he grins asking "You don't sport any metal at all do ya Doc?" "Nope I'm as clean as if I'd just been born she says with a smile "You know that's strange Doc cause most of your kind I've meet are dam near machines" he chuckles as he pops the blade out a couple of more times "I have allergies, now your work is done time to. Leave so I can work on something worth while" she says with a giggle The man moves quickly and has Echo restrained before she can even respond adding insult to injury by holding the extended mono blade to her throat. "That's too bad Doc cause then this would have been more fun if you could have fought back" He licks her cheek chuckling an says "But don't worry Doc we'll still have some fun before we get the codes to this thing an I make an easy cred." He's stunned suddenly as a robotic arm swings down and strikes him precisely at the base of the skull rendering him paralyzed as it lifts him away from Echo "He.....he....hey Doc I...I was jus jjjoking, it was a spoof" he stammers his eyes bulging in fear Echo sighs an points to a sign that decorates many a Cyber Doc's wall an it reads "Thieves will be scrapped and sold for parts" "You read the signs like I asked an you still thought you'd try your luck, sorry but rules are rules" she says just before the arm delivers a surgical jolt of electricity to his brain rendering him into a vegetable. The man now nothing more than spare parts both biological an cybernetic is wrapped in a bio web to insure he doesn't spoil while in storage then dropped onto a tray that is then sealed in a case. Echo walks up into the workshop cab where Delta-7 sits at the driver's station awaiting her mistress. "Well that was a waste of time, take me to Dawg's place so I can sell the dumbass an get him out of my home" says Echo to her only friend and spare body. "Yes Echo at once" answers the Android still displaying only autonomy and not life Echo climbs into her bunk above the cab and relaxes before she must deal with the eccentric Junk Yard Dawg and his gang of booster ghouls..