Lux stopped when she saw the girl. she looked up at her and realized that she'd done something bad. she was supposed to be hiding or with Yato, and yet she'd gone off and now there was a person here. she was frozen in her spot as the girl looked down at her. then Lux saw the tears and she instantly snapped into caring mode [color=f6989d]"are you alright?"[/color] she asked [color=f6989d]"are you hurt? did you fall? i fell a little while ago, is that why your face is wet? that means your hurt right?"[/color] she was a little proud of herself for the connection, figuring out tears meant you were hurt, or upset. she stepped closer, managed to trip over her own feet and decided getting off her knees wasn't worth the effort and simply stared at the girl [color=f6989d]"you don't look like Yato, or like the other girl"[/color] she glanced down at herself then back [color=f6989d]"you don't look like me either..."[/color] that brought back her thoughts that maybe there was no one like herself but she shoved it to the back of her mind [color=f6989d]"what's your name?" [/color]