[@Kho] Me, [@Rtron] and [@poog the pig] finally finished our collective Creation Sheets for the Insidie/Lifprasilian race [hider=The Insidie] [hider=Vulamera's Insidie] [color=orange][centre][b]Life- Species[/b][/centre][/color] [centre][b][color=orange]Name:[/color][/b] Mera-Insidie or Vulamera's Insidie, as preferred. They also occasionally name themselves the Sidie or Mera-Sidie. [i]Aliases include:[/i] -Sons and Daughters of Emotion -Beauty Kin -Bratty lil' wanna-be artists. Don't trust 'em! [/centre] [centre][color=orange][b]Lifespan:[/b][/color] 70-140 years, depending on conditions. They were created in an uncaring, harsh territory where they did not belong. Biology naturally reflects this, and thus they are far sturdier than humans in their dealings with any of the raw elements of nature. That said, they do have a preference for a reasonably hot, very dry environment- humidity makes their skin itch and peel, while they often find themselves ill-equipped for great cold. [/centre] [color=orange][centre][b]Appearance:[/b][/centre][/color] Insidie, when they first clawed their way out of the corrupted desert sands, were known for sharp, exposed frontal teeth (High Lifprasilians are the perfect example of this trait) and occasionally lengthened claws (look to Vestec's Insidie as well), protruding from two-toned black and red skin. They were rather short, topping off at only 5'4 or so, but they carried themselves with powerful pride despite this. Upon seeing them, Vestec, Vulamera and their newly begotten son all became immediately sympathetic for their plight. Now, every section of the race has been mutated away from this by the will of their respective Guardian, and thus none survive today that perfectly fit the above description of a "normal" Lifprasilian. Indeed, few living mortals have ever even laid eyes on the original form! Only the Gods remember its eloquence of thought, its beauty of nature, and its quite strength. And of them all, Vulamera remembers most fervently. At first, their Transcendent Mother attempted to stagnate the Insidie's evolution, insuring their bodily image remains always as it was during their time of birth. Though, as any deity worshiped by sentients can readily testify, the march of change tramples even the will of Gods. And so they did change. The Philosophy of Merasidie latched on not simply to the soul and mind of Vulamera's race, but to their flesh as well. Desire armed them. The once gently sloping claws adorning each finger became the fiercest talons, just waiting to taste blood. Following the claw's example, their ears and tongue both also sharpened to a daggerish fine point... then split themselves in half. From a distance, it would seem that the Mera-Insidie possess two attached ears, one which grew directly out of the upper, back-half of the other like a parasitic twin. Similar to a snake's, their tongue also splits into two, creating what is best described as forked. Imagination enlightened them. They have developed almost draconic reptilian eyes, perfectly capable of seeing immeasurably further and in more color than even the greatest of mankind. Within these perfected organs, a dark violet iris envelops the obsidian, vertical pupils of a snake. Fittingly, their pitch black eyelids are equally vertical, causing their eyes to close left-to-right, not top-to-bottom. The only exception to this is the deep blue eye of Vulamera, the Psionic Eye gifted to them so that they may see beyond this physical world. Creativity glorified them. While they are still black and red, the pattern of their coloration has altered dramatically. They are no longer geometrically two-toned. To the contrary, now their skin is primarily black, but laced with strings of red that craft artistic patterns into their entire body. Sanguine ribbons weave across their dark flesh as though it were a beautiful piece of art, creating fluently sly patterns of red on black. They have no need for tattoos at all, their very skin being imprinted with designs more gorgeous than any tattoo artist could conceive alone. Occasionally even religious or magical symbols are painted on to the Insidie's body, without their willing it- though they are always welcomed by the host, for no unwanted or disliked mark has ever formed onto the skin of a Mera-Insidie. The patterns shift throughout their life. Over ten years, every tattoo-like mark on their body is very gradually replaced with a new one. This process continues from birth until the very moment of death, when all their color vanishes entirely, leaving them to rot as only a solid white corpse. A sad fate for a creature once so intricate. [color=orange][centre][b]Description:[/b][/centre][/color] Born from the rape of the Transcendent Mother, tampered by trials of the Firewind, split into three sects and raised by Three Guardians: the Insidie are nothing if not diverse. [hider= Personality, Path and Piety] To quote "The Path of the Mera-Sidie", a historical and religious text written by Enlightened Tusaii, a lifelong follower of Vulamera: [i]"The Lifprasilians were split up into three distinct clans, immediately following their creation in the God of Vanity's hateful realm. The first of the clans were stolen by their illegitimate father, Vestec, who has imprinted upon them the vile ways of Chaos and impulse- the life of disorder. The second clan was claimed by their brother, Lifprasil, who has forced upon them the brutal ways of soldiering and control- the life of discipline. The final clan- my own clan, the only true clan- was adopted by their Transcendent Mother, Vulamera, who has gifted upon us the wise ways of Cunning and Expression- the life of enlightenment." [/i] Barring the clear racial bias of that text, it remains fairly accurate. Vulamera quickly realized the potential for creativity, imagination, cunning and cleverness within these creatures, while also realizing that her fellow guardians of the Insidie would be loathe to truly foster those potentials. Knowing this, the Transcendent Mother taught the Merasidie Philosophy: a dogma expounding on the necessity of a sharp mind and a watchful eye in this world. Her new children found themselves taking to the philosophy whole-heartedly, allowing it to mold them into painters and thieves, sculptors and liars, thinkers and assassins. Their culture has formed entirely around this belief system. The Merasidie Philosophy she revealed to them contains three main branches-- Desire, Imagination, and Art. Each branch has one or more patron deities connected to it, which they worship reverently. [hider=Creativity] (Also called the Philosophy of Art) Patrons: Illunabar, Jvan and Vulamera, in that order When the elements Chaos and Mind soaked together within the womb of a Goddess, a new design was born from their mingling: creativity. Not just the false, imitation creativity of humans and the like, but a [b]true vision[/b] for art, literature or poetry which surpasses that of most any other race. It goes far beyond just an ability to create: it is a desperate need to, above all else. Every Insidie has this urge hiding inside them, though only Vulamera's have mastered the skill of fostering it into the most beautiful art Galbar will ever see. Sculptors, painters, writers and all their kin arise from the ranks of the Mera-sidie. Creativity is that call deep in your heart to express your innermost soul through art, and it is precious to the Insidie. [/hider] [hider=Desire] Patrons: Vestec, Daegon and Vakarlon, in that order. Follow what brings you happiness, even if it comes by the pain of others. Self-Love. Individual. Downtrod. Vestec's influence on the Insidie could not be removed, and so it was simply concentrated into a single idea. Desire teaches one to embrace the dark side of their psyche, to put themselves above all else. Spurn the hated, curse the stupid, destroy the lives of your enemies. [b]Just don't get caught.[/b] The primary tenant of Desire is that of lust. This has left the followers of Mera-Sidie Philosophy perverted, gluttonous liars, but also cunning and clever as a snake. Every Insidie is suspected to hoard valuable secrets and information that could one day be used to ruin the lives of their enemies in a single, sweeping blow. Orgies are expected, drugs are encouraged. Subtlety is ultimately prized, second only to greed. It is morally accepted to assassinate, steal, crime, murder, or even plot against authority. [b]Just don't get caught.[/b] It has a lighter side however, sponsored primarily by Vakarlon. A monumentous facet of Desire is the will to see the downtrodden gain while the the aristocrats, fat on their own power, suddenly lose everything. It tells to steal from the rich and give to the poor- to rob blind the baron and fill the urchin's hands with food. This anarchistic attitude, much to the dismay of Vulamera, is not rising from true mercy for the poor, however, but from hate for wealthy- a want to see those more successful than one's self fall in shame. Rebel against the king, or steal from the prince. [b]Just don't get caught.[/b] Desire is of the liars and the knife-in-the-dark. It cries to you to show no love to those who do not love you, and to dismantle all who would hate you. It calls to you to embrace your lust, your hate, your misery. It orders you to aid the beggar but kill the emperor. It tempts you to manipulate mercilessly for your own ends. [b]Just don't get caught.[/b] [/hider] [hider=Imagination] Patron: Vulamera Consider everything, trust nothing. The Philosophy of Imagination is that of a flexibly widened outlook. Each Insidie is instructed to elevate their natural wariness and strange, out-of-the-box thinking to a greatly advanced level. It would be reprehensible to describe this as scientific in the least bit, though it does derive itself from Vulamera's processes and may one day evolve into the scientific process found in more civilized peoples. For now, however, it is simply the call of open-mindedness. Practically, this means to consider every single possibility before acting. Do nothing without first exercising your imagination to predict all outcomes, explanations, or answers that would not otherwise occur to you. Imagination teaches to never place absolute faith in any one belief or ideal. You may have been taught something your entire life, you may have heard of it from every neighbor and friend, you may have even seen it yourself- but whatever it is, never dare to place all your faith in it. What you have been taught may be wrong, your neighbors and friends may have been mistaken (or worse, lying), your own very own senses could be deceiving you. Remain skeptical, remain open-minded- until the bitter end. [/hider] The Mera-Insidie have a saying: [i]"You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Worship, Wizarding and Wisdom] It is a rare thing for Gods to allow their followers a guaranteed, constant way of summoning them. Divines are not pets, to come at the beck-and-call of childish mortals. Nonetheless, Vulamera has taught her followers a sacred ritual that, if they are worthy, may call her attention. She does never bother actually appearing for them, but occasionally may provide blessings, or some small token of her acknowledgment. The rituals are preformed by at least twenty [b]willing[/b] participants. They [b]must [/b]be willing, each of them: Vulamera does not answer to the cry of slavers. The performers gather in a circle around a firepit, clasp their hands tightly together, and begin to sing of Vulamera's grace. Slowly, ever so slowly, over many hours, their pitch decreases and their words slur together. By the fifth hour, what was once a worship song has degraded into a single, hypnotic hum. Each of the Lifprasilians hums in unison for as long as needed to ease them into a trans-like state. The reason for doing all this? When followers of Vulamera enter a trance, their minds become ever more open and malleable to her will. From across the physical/spiritual border, the Transcendent Mother will hear her children calling, and so she will judge the worth of each of them in turn. The ritual finally begins in sincerity. No focused worshiper could miss the sensation of their Goddess searching through their minds and souls for flaws, motivation, and greatest of all, [b]potential[/b]. It is a time of uplifting hope, and paralyzing fear. It is a time for those who are corrupt to be cast down to the ground with insanity, cluster headaches, or brain-death. It is a time for those who are pure-of-mind to be exalted and blessed by Vulamera herself, who will choose them by the flames that leap out of the firepit and burn a [b]Mark of Vulamera[/b] into their hands. Those burned with the Mark stand high as priests, shamans and wisemen among their people. They are beseeched for guidance, interpretation of Vulamera's will, and sacred ceremonies that others do not have the right to undergo. Mark of Vulamera: [centre][img]http://img11.deviantart.net/356e/i/2008/328/2/8/arcane_rune_circle_by_thy6sins6of6lust.jpg [/img][/centre] These men and women, scarred by the flames of knowledge, who become forever a shaman of mind, are known only as The Beloved of Vulamera, for they forsake any previous title. Whether they were once chiefs or servants, it means naught. Mages, two, arise from the clans of Insidie. As a general rule of thumb, the Mera-Sidie Wizards, walking devoutly along the Path of Imagination, make use of every known magic. It would be barbaric to devote themselves to following only one, learning of only one, and- most importantly- manipulating only one. In a slight contradiction to this, as it were, it should be noted that they lean slightly towards the Occult magics, as opposed to the entrapping pacts of Belru or the soul-ripping spells of Astarte. It is also worth mentioning that Mera-Sidie's grasp of wizardry is, for the moment, primarily innate. It is not studied scientifically so much as it is "felt" emotionally. Vulamera hopes that, given time and encouragement, this can change and the Sidie will become far more technical in their approach to the magics of Galbar. Only history will tell if her hopes are not in vain. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Vestec's Insidie] [u]Life[/u] Species Name: Voren AKA: Chaotic Lifrpasilians, Vestec's Insidie Lifespan: 50-60 years Description: Sadistic, insane, and adrenaline seeker to the extreme. The Voren take the philosophy 'Live life to the fullest.' to the extreme. If they see something they want to do, they do it. Murder? Sure! Drugs? Of course! Sex? Where and when is up to you! Torture? Just don't get the blood everywhere! Horrifying creations of flesh art and living creatures? Be artsy as you can (they have a strong following of Jvan's Sculptors). Most of Vorens insane, adrenaline filled, sadistic, and scarily happy antics are from a chemical that's released into their body whenever they're in a dangerous situation. Similar to adrenaline, but far more potent, and incredibly addictive. This chemical increases their speed, strength, and reflexes by 2x. It also gives the Voren and incredible high, especially during battle, making them seem ridiculously happy and sometimes even laugh out loud during what would be normally terrifying situations. Those benefits, in addition to the addictiveness, make most Voren constantly seeking the next high and thrill. Older Voren can actually control when and how much chemical they release, if they somehow survive their daredevilry and whatever messes their particular interests get them in. This results in your older Voren being more 'artistic', in their terms. Meaning lots of horrifying corpse and blood paintings, or even monstrosities given life through pacts with Belru, the Occult, or Astarte. Whichever tickles their fancy, really. Appearance: The Voren most closely resemble the original Insidie. Very little has changed of them. They are more muscled and athletic, their fingers and toes sharpening into iron-like claws. The only major change that occurred is on the inside, growing a gland to release their natural chemical. [/hider] [hider=Lifprasil's Insidie] [u]Name:[/u] High Lifprasilians [u]Lifespan:[/u] 1,000 years - varied depending on health. [u]Appearance:[/u] The High Lifprasilian race is of gray and white coloration, with fluffy plumage for hair. Their ears are lined with similar plumage, as well as their extended, flat-faced horns. Their cheek bones are enlarged from that similar to a normal man, bulbous, even, to give the impression of a skull amongst their exposed teeth. High Lifprasilians can open their mouths beyond the apparent lips that are given to them to represent such things, having a hyper-extended jaw, and the enhanced musculature to back it up when they use it. Beyond their strange appearance, High Lifprasilians are also equipped with a longer neck than average the average bipedal sentient, and larger eyes than their cousins. [u]Description:[/u] Unlike their counterparts, the Lifprasilians taken to the Celestial Citadel with Lifprasil have a much more calm demeanor thanks to years of emotional adjustment on Lifprasil's part. From generations of modification and changes on Lifprasil's part, the High Lifprasilian race also have above-average strength, although their magical power is weak - the more magically hardy being randomly distributed amongst the populace. Most soldiers are capable of pulling a form of magic taught by Lifprasil, however, where they emolate an arm into a cracked visage of the limb that once was, albeit still dexterous, the arm is covered in rivets and cracks of energy that allow them to channel a laser from their palm. Each one has grown to be much taller than their non-celestial cousins as well, able to fill a space up to seven feet tall depending on how powerful they become throughout their enhanced lifespan; they are varied and live long, albeit their reproductive cycle is more often than not based around promiscuity above loyalty. This does not mean High Lifprasilians are unable to dedicate to commitment, but they're much more reprehensible to take a single partner. This could very well be a side-affect from their roots as creatures of chaos. [/hider] [/hider] I did the most, of course. 'Cause I'm awesome. :lol