[quote=@VioletRose] [@Rune_Alchemist] Sure! Wanna help me out and give me a quick recap? [/quote] [hider=Chimera] [quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [h3][center]~?????~[/center][/h3] The night was indeed beautiful. It looked as though there wouldn't be any problems, aside from the duel between the Oni and Dragon. The stars twinkled overhead, distant little lights in a sea of dark. A quite relaxing spectacle for most that would be out, though most students were attending the ball. Some though, like Adria were enjoying their time alone for whatever reason. Normally, Montagne was one of the safest campus' in all of the region. Unfortunately, even for well defended fort, sometimes something sneaked through. And sometimes, humming a tune to yourself attracted the attention of said somethings doing the sneaking. In the darkness, something moved. Adria would first hear the sound of growling. Next, the sound of something heavy walking along the ground, walking closer. As soon as it was close enough, Adria would be able to see what exactly it was. A Chimera. But not what one would expect a normal chimera to look like. It was a lion or at least it had the and two front legs of one. But it was more like a centaur, with two human like arms and shoulders with a torso connecting to a lower half. It had several long, sharp horns growing out of its mane, it's back two legs looked like hooves of a goat, or some other animal. It's tail, was that of a living serpent. Whatever this thing was, it was not something that was naturally made. Either way, it seemed the beast hadn't noticed Adria yet. Perhaps it couldn't see well in dark, from the way it was sniffing the air and listening. It was difficult to tell if this beast was friend, or foe either. [@Absolis] [/quote] [/hider] That's the post describing the Chimera and it's relative location to Adria (basically a few yards away looking for the source of the humming) Aside from that, currently the ball is going on. Adria isn't attending, so she's instead gotta deal with something someone has let into the school grounds. There's a link to a rather large collab where all the events of the ball are currently taking place in one of the posts. Before that, there was the fight with Sorcha and Arata. A pretty fun fight if I have to say so, so read that if you want. I can go into more detail of course, but I can't think of any other major events that happened.