[h1][center][color=00aeef]Lorelai Von'Strauss[/color] [b]&[/b] [color=f26522]Bobby[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Another failed hex, and another set of reagents wasted. Lorelai snarled in frustration as the spell failed with a flash of black, acrid smoke. Vespa had gone to bed a while ago, and only after a great deal of convincing. Lorelai had exhausted the last hex the library had to offer. She'd dug through the restricted section of the Castle's volumes for several she'd thought might serve to suppress the vampire's damnable regeneration. Each had failed with no more fanfair than the last. Her...interrogation had not swayed the vampire's claim to be a decendant of House Ruvin, and Lorelai for one was starting to believe him. She was beginning to fear that the only source of information on how to destroy this clan might reside within Vespa's childhood home, in the hands of Reyna Ruvina. Vespa had explained, after they'd become close, the situation between the twins and their mother. Reyna had evidently lost faith in her daughters after...a particular failure. Lorelai smiled, how would the witch feel if she could see Vespa now? She shook her head. Lorelai had no desire to expose either of the Ruvinas to their mother's wrath, but she was running out of options. She had just one more. Gathering her blade and cloak she exited the Castle discretely. [hr] Bobby grunted as he kicked Emiliano out and slammed the door. Sighing he looked around the empty tavern and a rush of uselessness filled him. Looking up to ol Betsy on the mantle of the fireplace he yearned for the chance to go and fight those pack of werewolves. What a glorious battle that would be...he hoped the young female whippersnapper would be alright, as well as the others of course. He slowly made his way to the kitchen, his weight causing creaks to scream loudly in the silent room, slow and long, just like him. He turned into the kitchen to see Sophia humming to herself as she was cleaning up and gathering some herbs and other medicinal items, narrowing his eyes, he asked in a soft voice. [color=f26522][color=fdc68a]"Now were do ye think yer goin lassy?"[/color][/color] His tone much more different than that he used in the bar. [color=00aeef]"Oh I'm going to visit a friend, Susan on the east end of town. She has come down with a nasty flu, I was going to go help her really quick before coming back to help with any of the hunters who are hurt." [/color] She answered him, looking at him over her shoulder. Bobby growled. [color=f26522]"I doont' like yuu goin out there by yerself, Not with the mention of a pack of werewolves out there." [/color] Sophie moved up to him as she pulled the strap over her head and rested a hand on his chest, [color=00aeef]"Ill be fine dear." She gave him a quick kiss and continued into the tavern's bar. "Besides Ill bring Buck with me..." [/color] Grunting as he turned and followed her he looked at his old dog, who didn't even move at the mention of his name. [color=f26522]"That ol fleabag?? Lazyiest damn dog i've ever had. Yuu've spoiled him rotten, Now he's just a 'pet' not a war hound." [/color] Sophie smiled and patted Bobby's big stomach, [color=f26522]"I've spoiled you rotten too yet you are just as fiery as ever my love." [/color]She laughed before calling Buck to her, as he slowly raised his head and meandered over to her. Which only made Bobby motion towards him. [color=f26522]"YE cant compare me with that dog! He's like almost a hundred years old! Just look at him." [/color] Buck raised his head and cocked it to the side at his voice. Shaking his head he moved over to the mantle with Sophie shaking her head, [color=00aeef]"No dear, stay here your leg is hurting you more today than usual." [/color]She moved towards the mantle with him, trying to head him off. [color=f26522]"I'M FINE! No wey in hell I'm letting yuu out of me sight with that old mutt." [/color]He pulled Betsy off the mantle and looked at Sophie. [color=f26522]"Now I'm goin with ya, and that's that. To hell with me pain, nothing would compare to it if yuu got hurt and I could've stopped it." [/color] He stood firm and raised his stature so she would know that he wouldn't back down from his stance. Sophie let out a sigh, knowing he would follow what ever she said, but still it was sweet how much he cared for her. His leg never really healed properly, and it was always in constant pain. Despite her help. It would be a long walk and knowning what that would do to him showed how much he cared for her. [color=00aeef] "Alright alright dear. "[/color]She smiled and kissed him again, [color=00aeef]"Thank you. Now lets go."[/color] Lorelai spotted Bobby and his wife coming down the trail from her hiding place near Susan's cabin. A simple hex was all it took to lay the poor woman in the hut up with flu-like symptoms. She wasn't particularly proud of using the man's wife to ensure a meeting, but it was certainly a better plan than wandering into the tavern. Once Sophie had entered the hut, leaving Bobby to wait outside, she stepped out of the shadows. [color=00aeef]"Robert Flint, it's about time we had a little chat don't you think?"[/color] Buck growled and Bobby turned to face the woman walking out of the Shaddows. He gripped Betsy a little harder and shifted his stance... obviously it wasn't a friend...Friends called him Bobby. He hated Robert. Not to mention her voice was not normal, Demonic by the sound of it. [color=f26522]"Wot do ye want with me lassy?"[/color] He asked as he moved around to be between the woman and the hut. [color=00aeef]"I'm hoping we might help each other."[/color] Lorelai moved further into view. [color=00aeef]"There's a family of vampires in these woods that call themselves the Ruvins. You've been a hunter a long time Robert, and you've hunted with those even older, it ocurred to me that you're practically a walking library of information."[/color] Raising an eyebrow he scoffed. An evil witch asking a hunter for help? That's a new one. [color=f26522]"Why would you think in God's name would I help Yuu? In case yuu didn't notice, Hunters don't help witches."[/color] He stated while trying to think of ways to kill this witch quickly if need be. Him not being able to move around quickly greatly hindered his manuverablity, but he didn't show any reason that his leg was worthless. [color=00aeef]"Does it really have to be that way with us?"[/color] Lorelai smiled. [color=00aeef]"My coven has opertated in this area for years peacefully, these vampires are already spilling blood. I'd hate to have to start harvesting human sacrifices because of this little territory war, but I've got to protect my sisters. You understand that don't you?"[/color] She eyed his stance. [color=00aeef]"Hector couldn't do it and neither can you Robert, I'm just here to talk. You and your wife are free to go after our chat."[/color] His eyes narrowed at her as she spoke, She was the one that killed Hector. This was the witch Fenros was searching for all these years. And if that be true, he truly didn't stand a chance. Hector was far more experienced than he was in fighting Demon Lords and summoning witches...he was also five years younger with out a broken leg. He didn't trust this woman and with his hand which was already situated behind his back, he pulled a vial of pure holy oil, all the while making sure his arm didn't move enough for her to notice. [color=f26522]"It could have been from the amount of hunters all in here that could have deterred yuu from here."[/color] He said bluntly. But it clicked now she said vampires.... vampires and wolves? What was going on in that blasted forest. [color=f26522]"Don't blame me if I don't trust yuu Lorelai Von'strauss. You did kill my best friend and his wife, that's something not easily forgotten."[/color] He said through his teeth as he waited a moment to think of what he could do... though it wouldn't hurt to hear her out. [color=f26522]"So wot, yuu just want info on killing suckers? every hunter worth his weight, knows how to kill a vampire....I've never heard of the Ruvins."[/color] He said with a lie... He knew of the Ruvins, use to use this town as a farm hundreds of years ago. stories of it passed down through the village hunters. Nasty bunch of vampires from what he heard. [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry about Hector and his wife. I thought satisfying the blood debt from his slaughter of my family would make me whole, but it didn't."[/color] Lorelai was indeed regretful. Vengeance was useless, only the destruction of active threats had meaning. [color=00aeef]"I'm hoping we can do better than that. An eye for an eye would leave the whole world blind, we can stop the bleeding you and I."[/color] Slowly, being sure not to startle the old hunter, she retrieved one of the insignias Sousiel had recovered. [color=00aeef]"I've got their house emblem, maybe we can do some research? If you help me get rid of this threat to my sisters I'll owe you. I won't forget that."[/color] She tossed the emblem to him. [color=00aeef]"What do you say? One old hunter to a less old witch? Can we help each other?"[/color] He caught the emblem as it was tossed to him. Looking at it he said to drive a nail more into the witch, "Ya know...if ye didn't kill him he would have known. Hector knew more of the ancient evils than I did." He then looked to her, "Yuu'll owe me eh? Donno wot I would want from a witch." But she did sound more and more like she was going to let them go. Better to live than die knowing Sophia would be next...besides he would have to tell Fenros he ran into her. He then realized Hectors Journal was at his Tavern, the book Fenros handed him before he hunted the werewolves. Despite his better judgement he said, [color=f26522]"Fine... give me some time to read up on this... Ruvin family. "[/color] [color=00aeef]"Thank you, I won't forget this."[/color] She smiled brightly. [color=00aeef]"If you need to reach me just go to the old tree just inside the forest on the trail north and leave a note."[/color] [color=00aeef]"...You may be considering telling Fenros I'm here."[/color] She said just before leaving, pausing before the treeline. [color=00aeef]"But maybe you don't. Maybe our blood debt ends before he ends up like I did, he may not be lucky enough to have someone pick him up when he realizes blood won't fix his pain."[/color] With that she left Bobby and Sophia peacefully. Bobby fiddled with the vial of olive oil in his hand, contemplating on if he should just attack now and try to kill her...but he waited too long, as Sophia came back out oblivious to what had just happened. She noted his stance and the vial in his hand. [color=00aeef]"Everything alright?"[/color] Bobby quickly nodded and slipped the vial back in his pocket. [color=f26522]"Yeah..."[/color] He looked back to the shadows where Lorelai disappeared back into. [color=f26522]"Everything is fine..."[/color] [h1][center] [color=ed1c24]Medusa[/color], [color=39b54a]Alexina[/color], and [color=708090]Taran[/color][/center][/h1] After talking to Lorelai about the boy and getting info on where lady Medusa was, and also informing her that there are werewolves now in the woods. She nodded to Elina as she mentioned she would come before looking to the boy. [color=39b54a]"Are you ready? She's not that bad, after all she made this castle to protect us sisters..and hopefully a new brother."[/color] she said with a wink. [color=708090] "Uh, yes?" [/color] he said, still very overwhelmed with the turn of events. Mostly he was overwhelmed by the size of the castle, the largest structure he'd come across was a one roon tavern two towns over. He longed to just ...explore it, but at the same time he was scared to leave Alexina's side. Mostly because there were just so many new people. And the fact that there were witches. Alexina smiled and grabbed his wrist and started to drag him behind her towards the castles doors, they opened silently despite their massive size. Nodding to witches as they walked by. She didn't know many of them, only of their names and the polite things to talk about, as she lived in the forest most of her time here. The castle was just too cold and dark for her, unlike the forest which was arm and alive. Taking their time as they walked passed rooms after rooms so the two could catch their breaths and compose themselves. They finally came to the room where Medusa was taking care of Laina and knocked on the door, saying softly incase she was sleeping. [color=39b54a]"Lady Medusa? Alexina here with Elina, and a newcomer."[/color] Medusa turned towards them from her seat next to Laina's bed. The girl was sleeping soundly while Medusa brewed some foul smelling concotion. [color=ed1c24]"A newcomer you say?"[/color] She looked Taran over. [color=ed1c24]"A male witch, I haven't seen one of those in ages."[/color] Turning to Alexina. [color=ed1c24]"Do you think he's a good fit?"[/color] She shrugged. [color=39b54a]"Was I when I came here a few years ago? I still don't really fit in, and perfer the woods over the castle. Yet I serve my part."[/color] She looked at the Boy and said, [color=39b54a]"Besides if he is properly taught...he could become a great asset. And that is what he is looking for, to know how to control his own powers of pyromancy." [/color]She wanted to add that he would be perfect to hunt hunters once taught, as they would never expect him and he could easily pass for one later on. [color=ed1c24]"True, you might not fit in Alexina, but you're brave and have served loyally since you arrived."[/color] She looked to Taran. [color=ed1c24]"If you can promise loyalty you'll find safety here. Not only that, but some of the most experienced and deadly witches this world has to offer, tutelage under me or Lorelai will not be easy, but it will strengthen you."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"So what say you boy? Would you join your fate to Coven Bloodrose, or should I have Alexina return you to whatever fate you might await elsewhere?"[/color] It took Taran a second to realize that he was being spoken to by the woman....Medusa. This woman had an area of power like he hadn't ever witnessed before. Nor could he quite explain it. [color=708090] "Ah,"[/color] He said, trying to think of a way to answer her question. [color=708090] "I want to not risk ...accidently hurting or killing someone because I...I can't control what I am doing. If you can help me, whether that is because I can control it or that I know longer have it, I'd be forever in your debt either way," [/color] the last part came out more as a murmur, his nerves over coming him. Medusa nodded. [color=ed1c24]"That you will."[/color] She reached under her cloak and retrieved a ritual dagger, then handed it to Taran. [color=ed1c24]"Apprentice yourself to a sister that will have you. Once they've caught up your education I'll ensure your power continues to grow."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Pyromancy is an old magic, almost as old as mine or the Dragon's Tongue. We've books on it in the library that you should peruse."[/color] She stood. [color=ed1c24]"But first your Oath. Offer your blood to the coven, and swear to protect it with your life if called on. Alexina, be his witness if you would."[/color] Alexina nodded and stood beside Taran and had a smile on her face she could not contain, having a new member of the conven was always exciting, but with a male, this would be even more interesting. As the first brother of the conven...he certainly would be mr. popular. As he wasn't a bad looking boy. And being the witness of the oath was indeed perfect for her, as she was the one who offered him to join in as well. [color=39b54a]"I offer my word that I am his witness, and will fullfill the deed if need be done."[/color] She said solomnly. Though she would rather have not... such a waste if that happened. Medusa then turned to the boy. [color=ed1c24]"So witnessed. Swear your Oath boy."[/color] [color=708090] "I-I," [/color] he started, looking at Alexina and then at Medusa, holding his hand out, but closing it at the last second. As wonderful as these woman seemed, he did only meet them less than..less than a few hours ago. It was clear that these wasn't some little promise either. [color=708090] "What if...what if I change my mind? Am I allowed to leave at any time?" [/color] His hand wasn't quite retracted yet. [color=708090] "What if I don't believe.... for what ever reason, the coven shouldn't be protected?" [/color] Alexina turned to him and gave him a very serious look, [color=39b54a]"If you were to change your mind, you will be betraying all of us who trusted you with our lives to protect one another. And it will be my duty to hunt you down and kill you. Such is the way with our conven. You do not break that trust."[/color] In a soft but firm tone. [color=39b54a]"You must remember we are also just trying to live our lives here....there are hunters out there that kill us on sight, not understanding what we are or how our magic works, and how it could benifit our lives. They kill in fear of us. So remember, we are here to live and to learn of our craft."[/color] Medusa extended her hand, after slicing her palm with her own dagger. [color=ed1c24]"We've stood here for a long time. We did not do that by either being easy with our promises, or by terrorizing the countryside. So what say you?"[/color] [color=708090] "Okay, okay," [/color] he said, taking a breath. [color=708090] "Just... just two more questions. Am I allowed to come and go as I please or as you please? And...am I sworn to the coven or to you personally?" [/color] He asked Medusa. He wasn't sure that her answer would cause him to say no, but...he wanted to know what he was getting into. [color=ed1c24]"You may come and go as you wish, although I might not recommend it considering what seems to be a foot in the forest around us at the moment. You'll be expected to learn your craft, that's between you and the sister that takes you as an apprentice."[/color] Medusa's hand did not waver. [color=ed1c24]"Your oath is to the Coven, of which I am the leader. You'll be expected to obey my orders as well as those of any sister who outranks you. Although we rarely have need to boss around the newbloods, often it simply means extra cleaning duty."[/color] She smiled. [color=ed1c24]"Time's up newblood. Decision time."[/color] [color=708090] "Okay, then. I swear," [/color]he said, raising his hand up and taking the offered knife. With a small breath, he drug the knife across the palm of his other hand, hot blood pooling down his palm. It stung, but he'd had worse. [color=708090] "I swear," He paused. Almost for dramtice effect, before he followed it up with "Wh...What do I say? " [/color] He looked first at Medusa, then at Alexina, unsure of how to make an oath. Alexina smiled and looked to the boy and said,[color=39b54a] "Swear to protect the coven with your life, to keep it's secrets, obey those above you, and respect those below you."[/color] She stopped as she looked to see Medusa smiling. Medusa then added.[color=ed1c24] "Swear it on your future."[/color] [color=708090] "I swear, on my future, to protect the coven with my life...to...to keep it's secerts....to o-obey those above me and respect those below me,"[/color] The blood from his palm fell to the floor in thick, red drops and spattered, mixing with Mesdusa's. Taran waited for a spark or a flame, or...something to occur to show that the oath had taken place. But nothing occured, he almost asked if he did something wrong when Taran felt...different. The cold gloomy castle suddenly felt secure and refreshing, safe really, more like home than the house with his parents had ever felt. It was a wonderful place and it deserved to stand a hundred thousand more years. Taran knew that he would do anything to keep it safe, because he /wanted to / all the doubt had suddenly been washed away. He glanced around the room at the four women, there was an...aura around them that seemed to reek of an... alphaness? Something like that, either way, the aura screamed that they should be respected, which he felt an unusual willingness to do. [color=708090] "So, Mistress," [/color] He said with a slight pause, glancing up to meet Medusa's eyes.[color=708090] "What...do I do now?" [/color] [color=ed1c24]"Now, Alexina will show you to one of the empty rooms. If you do well here eventually you might get your own tower."[/color] Medusa turned to Elina who'd been quiet through the proceedings. [color=ed1c24]"Elina, if you'd attend to Gevoveve, seeing as you sister departed with Lorelai, I'd appreciate it."[/color] As soon as Alexina was about to show Taran the way, a little sparrow zipped through window and landed on Alexina's shoulder. chirping wildly for a moment while looking up to Alexina. She then turned to Lady Medusa and said, [color=39b54a]"There is a battle going on in the forest."[/color] She then raised her hand to her mouth as she forgot to tell medusa about the Werewolves.[color=39b54a] "Also I forgot to mention there is a werewolf pack in the woods milady. Lady Lorelai has been informed, as well as Lady Vespa. But I just heard that about twenty Hunters have engaged the pack in battle. A large bald man with a massive sword and a white wolf leading them....I believe that sounds like the Hunter Fenros..." [/color] She hesitated as she realized Elina was once close to the hunter...perhaps in love....she didn't know how close She was to him. She even realized the wolf she met earlier with Elina might have been his wolf. She looked to Elina to see her reaction. Medusa smiled. [color=ed1c24]"Good, good. Lorelai's been looking bored lately, maybe Fenros will perk her up."[/color] She shrugged at Elina. The past is the past, If Fenros was here to kill witches then he was just another hunter. With any luck she might get two birds with one stone in this.