To the human realm, the Transcendental Institute for the finer arts looks like a normal prestigious school. With its luscious grounds and magnificent structure fit for royalty, it looks like nothing more than an expensive location where you send your child to provide them a stable learning experience. But to those who can see past its glorious exterior the halls of this school provide a safe place to reveal their true selves and to learn how to control their extraordinary abilities. To the realm of the supernatural the institute is a safe haven, but no safe haven lasts forever. Each year an unknown identity chooses who will be attending the school. But unlike most schools you don’t send in an entry form or request entry, no, instead you simply receive entry. Each student receives a message, in a method guaranteed to catch their attention, and in this message is enclosed a date, place and time. If said student is able to reach their intended location on the date and at the time intended then they are guided to a secret entrance that is only accessible by presenting the method in which they were contacting, whether it be a note, a coin, etc. , it will automatically open a gate only visible to he wielder and transport them into the main grounds of the institute. Once arrived, the students are greeted by automated messages that indicate that they are to proceed to the dining hall where among the rows of long tables rests a folder inscribed with their name. Within each folder lie the essentials they will need to navigate the school and their classes, including a map of the school, an introductory pamphlet and their class schedule along with their dorm numbers. Each dorm room sleeps four students who are mixed between new and returning though are separated by gender as most schools are. Unlike most boarding schools the institute does not have a dress code and isn’t too picky when it comes to physical appearance as long as it is appropriate. As with most schools violence is not tolerated and is enforced strongly when it involves magical talent. Rules are the same as most Roleplays No over-powering your character No using OOC information No godmodding If anyone would like to play the Head-Master/Mistress, just ask. I myself don't really want to take that role, though I will if absolutely necessary C.S outline Name: Age: Gender: Race/ Species: (Get creative, I don't want five vampires and ten werewolves running around.) Abilities: (including a trigger, so what could accidentally set you off or that helps you control it and also a weakness, something that could hinder your ability or diffuse it temporarily) Position: (Student/Teacher, New/ Returning) Appearance: Weapons:(on person or just what you prefer to train with) Pets: (optional) History: (optional) Other: (optional)