[center][h2][color=lightblue]Izuki Goemon[/color][/h2][/center] [indent][color=00a99d]"Those vines are commanding it, if we can get rid of those, it should go down. But don’t use fire!"[/color] Mari?! Izuki knew that voice from several minutes ago. She could see?! Why that lying- No, she reasoned. The only way she could see is if she too had the same power they had. The power of [color=lightblue]Persona[/color]. Without turning, she acknowledged the shout. [color=lightblue]"Thanks for the heads up, Mari!"[/color] [color=00a99d][h2][b]"Watch out!"[/b][/h2][/color] First came the shockwave. Izuki stood her ground, arms up to guard her face, and she took the attack like a champ. The shock blew straight past her, and she stumbled a few steps backward, growling with sheer determination. But where her brown haired companion fell on her ass, she stood firm. A chuckle escaped her lips, followed by a wild, almost demented laugh. Izuki beat her own chest with her fists and spread her arms wide. [color=lightblue]"Is that all you [b]fuckin'[/b] got- "[/color] The flames that washed over her next [b]hurt[/b], but unlike her companion (again) who took the blast and fell screaming, again she stood firm. The scorching fire licked and burned her every mote, every single place that she could feel pain in was hurting, but it seemed to have...less an effect on her. It didn't feel like a thousand lawnmowers on every inch of skin, but it burned like being draped with a hot towel. When the burst of flame passed over her, still she stood firm, smoke and water vapour slowly rising off her reddened flesh. Was it her [color=lightblue]Persona's[/color] doing? It must've been. It had to have been. The way the brown haired girl had screamed...the fire must've been hot enough to melt the skin off her bones. But the girl still rose to her feet anyway, shaking and crying but still in one piece. The fire must've [b]hurt[/b] but such a thing must work differently in this...strange place. A strangled cry from behind her drew her attention to one of the boys, who was throwing his bag at the monster in frustration. Jeez, what was his problem? Izuki returned her attention to the monster, which was when two things happened simultaneously. One was a weird, blue, beehive like barrier raising itself around her brown haired teammate, and the other was a burst of water that engulfed the beast, causing it to roar and spasm in pain. [i][color=lightblue]Water hurts it...but what about [b]punching?[/b][/color][/i] With a mighty roar, she charged forward and leaped into the air, her hands clasped tightly together. [color=lightblue]"Hephaestus! [b]Cleave![/b]"[/color] Again, the air above her rent itself in twain as the fiery dwarf god stepped forth. His machine arm raised in the air, and as she brought her fists down in a blistering overhead axe, he followed her movements with a devastating downward swing that slammed straight into head number three. She heard the sounds of bone cracking and snapping as she backed off, her Persona vanishing into the air. The monster pawed at its third head, then roared in pain. Inside her, she felt slightly heavy. Tired. Was that...the cost of using a Persona? She didn't know, but what she did know was that she could take what the monster was dishing out. Izuki placed herself just ahead of the brown haired girl and glanced back at her. [color=lightblue]"Stay behind me, Tiny. Fire and shit don't hurt me as much as it hurts you."[/color][/indent]