[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JrQwm27.png[/img] [sub][i][b]“I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I'm changing the things I cannot accept.”[/b][/i] A N G E L A D A V I S[/sub][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=D14F43][sub][b]K I N G M A K E R[/b][/sub][/color][/center] [b]K A Z N I A - E U R O P E[/b] [INDENT][b][i]THUD! THUD! [/i][/b] [list][b][i]CLANK![/i][/b][/list] Two bodies hit the stone floor inside the royal castle, the sound of Wonder Woman’s metal shield clattering on the floor as the two fell into unconsciousness. The figure of Wonder Woman approached their bodies as she leaned down and grabbed the circular Amazonian shield that she had been accustomed to. It was no vibranium shield like that of Captain America but it got the job done. The weapons they held in their hands looked different than the assault rifles she had been on the receiving end of in Gateway City but she didn’t have the time to do an inspection of them when there were villains to defeat and a newfound friend to save. The fate of Kaznia was on a timer. [center][img]http://expeditionba.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/horizontal-rule-short.png[/img][/center] [b][color=D14F43]“That’s the last of them.”[/color][/b] Diana’s eyes looked down to the weapons that her now deposed enemies had held in their hands only seconds earlier. As a tense quizzical feeling overtook her, a realization came over her. She knew it in her gut when she faced them in her rescue of Princess Audrey and the others holed up in the castle, but it was here that she could actually stop and think about them. The weapons that had tried to annihilate the peace of Kaznia weren’t conventional weapons. Not at all. While she was not a scientist like The Flash, Diana knew that these were weapons of the technological savant’s hand and that those she had defeated were not the real culprits of the victimization of Kaznia. As she held her shield in her left hand she reached down with her right to pick up one of the weapons to inspect it closer, as if trying to see if it looked like a design she had seen before. “What is it, Diana?” Princess Audrey’s voice was anxious considering the events that had taken place but she was still trying to be strong. Diana could respect that. [b][color=D14F43]“These weapons… I think I know them.”[/color][/b] “What does that mean?” It wasn’t [i]good[/i], that much was for sure. She wasn’t sure if her findings were right but she recalled a moment in time where she came to blows with a group known as [i]Intergang[/i]— but that wasn’t her territory. But it was the territory of a friend of hers. [b][color=D14F43]“It means this is going to be a recurring problem if we don’t do something about the source.”[/color][/b] Diana paused, [b][color=D14F43]“I have a friend who might have an idea on how to help. But you won’t be safe here by yourself.”[/color][/b] “I cannot just leave Kaznia, Diana.” Diana sighed, [b][color=D14F43]“I’m not asking you to.”[/color][/b] Diana moved her shield to her back as she placed the odd weapon on a nearby table. She took a glance back to Audrey as she drew a cellphone from her additional equipment within her belt. There was a moment after Diana dialed a number. In her experience as a superhero she had made an assortment of connections and friendships, though she could think of only a handful that were active in Eastern Europe and with the issues as of late on Themsycria such as the failed insurrection she didn’t want to ask for any favors. So that left her with a few options— but thankfully she knew a man from neighboring Markovia who fit this bill quite nicely. [“Hello?”] [b][color=D14F43]“Geo-Force? This is Wonder Woman. Can I ask you a favor?”[/color][/b][/INDENT]