Travis patiently waited for the party to be complete, and once the task was achieved they began to leisurely walk for a while. A slight breeze rustled his hair, and Travis sighed contently. This was so much more relaxing than working in the smithy all day. The trio continued to walk for a while until an entrance loomed in front of them leading into dark woods. The mercenary slowed to a halt, eager to hear Sebastian’s plan. Apparently there was a fairly dangerous mob because his new acquaintance’s demeanor changed quit suddenly. He informed them to be incredibly quiet so as not to draw mob attention if it could be avoided. Travis was to take point, as he seemed to have the highest hit point total out of his party with Alex next in line, most likely because the jester was squishier. Then finally with Sebastian pulling up the rear. They were to keep a steady pace, weapons out, prepared for any attack. It seemed to be a pretty solid plan, and it was the best they had since they hadn’t brought any heals. “And in the event we do get attacked, I imagine I’ll stun them as often as possible. You guys just do as much damage as possible, I have two health pots. It should be substantial for any lesser battles. Your thoughts?” Travis inquired. He unsheathed his sword and hoisted his buckler on his arm. "I'm ready when you two are," Travis paused for a second apparently deep in thought. " We must be cautious. I don't want to lose any teammates today." He wasn't the best at expressing affection in real life, much less in a virtual reality. In all honesty he had been sort of a loner in the other world. Maybe his tendencies had bleed through into his avatar.