[@Dynamo Frokane] Perhaps Xing and Zande could have just an old fashioned peak human brawlfest, no armor or weapons, in the vein of Mortal Kombat. Zande is hyper aggressive and as brutal as it can get, but the only "style" he could be attributed to is [hider=Gouging] [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gouging_(fighting_style)[/url] [/hider] The dude can't tell Kung Fu from Kung Pao chicken, and knows exactly jack shit about traditional martial arts. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything or try to lure you in with false temptations of potential advantages that Xing might have over Zande (unlike certain other players might), given how Vale Tudo reigns supreme and gouging is arguably much closer to that than Kung Fu, and how Zande's specialty is mauling people up close. Regardless, this is about as fair as I can make things. I actually prefer Unranked matches, by the way, as they are far more friendly and less prone to OOC crap. Combat flows so much more easily when there isn't anything on the line.