[color=purple] [center] [h1] Matsushima Momiji [/h1] [/center] [/color] [@Undying Curiosity] Momiji cursed herself. How could she have allowed for this to happen? How could she allow her “cool image” be ruined by her failure to walk. If Momiji was more coordinated in this respect, perhaps it would have been a lot easier to sneak passed Kaz and out of the door. Needless to say, this was not going according to the plan in Momiji’s head. In fact, one might argue that the opposite effect, bumping into the person she was attempting to avoid, had occurred. [i] [color=Purple] "Where's the user support for my life? I could use a patch here." [/color] [/i] Games are games. Reality is reality. Those who try to link them together are the ones who can't tell the difference. Then again, perhaps it was likely that Momiji had issues discerning the difference between the Accelerated World and the real life at times. After all, exposure increases the likelihood one is to preference something, and to get to her level 9 status in Brain Burst, Momiji did have to invest many of days in real time, years in game time. However, unlike other games to which the flow of time seemed Accelerated, Brain Burst also altered the flow of time outside of the game, thus mental aging and maturity were available well passed the mentality of a someone’s outward appearance. However, there were a million thoughts running through Momiji’s head. Had he recognized her? Was he alright? Could she hit someone hard enough they’d forget something? Either way, in the end she figured that despite this looking bad on herself, she could most likely talk her way out of this situation. [color=Purple] “I-I’m alright,” Momiji finally croaked at the other’s question. [/color] It was somewhat humiliating to her that these sorts of events were to have happened. Perhaps if Momiji had prepared enough before taking her actions, it she might have come out with a contingency plan for this, but there was hardly any planning going into this action. Merely wishing to “leave”. Perhaps it should be worth noting that even understanding the minor gravity of her situation, there was a moment to which Momiji actually considered using her Physical Full Burst. However, Momiji understood that even with her believing the situation might be important to avoid, the amount of points she would lose wouldn’t be enough to justify her actions in the slightest. That and she hardly understood what was happening until it was already too late. But Momiji was proud. Even if she had messed up, and this was a rather embarrassing situation, Momiji believed it was best to simply own up to what she had done to the other. Still though, perhaps she was not all too thrilled that someone had seen her both at a maid cafe and her tripping on herself. A blunder that Momiji would attempt, but most likely fail, preventing in the future. [color=Purple] “I guess I lost my footing. Sorry about that, ha ha.” [/color] Momiji then turned to face Kaz, her face no longer looking away from the boy. Though Momiji didn’t truly hold the greatest of confidence in her looks, one could say that her appearance was outwardly cute. Though petite, she seemed to have a degree of elegance about her. [color=Purple] “What where you are going, idiot!” [/color] Normally this is what you expect the person who got crashed into, the “crashee” to say, rather than the person who crashed into them. However, Momiji still never believed herself in the wrong in this situation. After all, the person she crashed into after tripping should have moved out of the way, right? Or at the very least, a more perceptive person would have been able to catch her. [color=Purple] Wait, you’re that boy from my class, aren’t you? Umm, Kazue, right? I’m Momij, in case you didn’t know. Funny running into you. I am going to have to ask that you forget about my little ‘accident’ though. “ [/color] Well, Momiji did understand that these sorts of cafe attracted those who were lonely. Though it seemed that Momiji was genuine, the latter half of the statement seemed almost as if phrased and given the tone of a threat despite Momiji hardly changing her voice. Sort of like how a mob punisher might say to his client’s enemy. Though Momiji was someone who was, to a degree kind, she still had a childish desire to hide this incident up, as if a child hiding the fact they had broken something from their parents. However, perhaps this was not the first time the two had met. Momiji remembered the meeting herself, but felt it would be best to feign ignorance over the issue. After all, Momiji was one to believe it was better to pretend than to potentially hurt someone. [hr] [color=Teal] [center] [h1] Hirose Reimi [/h1] [/center] [/color] [@Krinos Solstice] It didn’t take Reimi too long to arrive at the destination that was sent to her by Shin. To her surprise Shin had arrived but moments before her. [color=Teal] “S-Sorry for making you wait. Shin. I hope you weren’t waiting too long for me” [/color] Reimi tended towards sincerity. If she believed that there was an instance which she had wronged another, then she would do anything within her power to correct this mistake, assuming it was not to benefit said people. After all, though she was a simple girl, one could say that her ideas of justice were flawed at the core. At the very least, Reimi was not the most awkward in a social setting. One could say that it was not as if she could not understand the social relations between people, but rather it was incompatible with her person, and as such she tended to misinterpret things and fluster herself, or just fluster herself in conversation anyway. Alright, perhaps she is a bit socially inept. After all, logic strove for order, but rational argumentation and transparent transfer of information were rooted in assumptions on the nature of being. Every mode of thought carries an ontology sequestered within it, but being is in a constant state of flux. [color=Teal] “Y-You said you wanted to talk about something in your message f-face to face. W-what did you want to discuss?” [/color] The wording of the conversation flustered Reimi a bit. There was something that Shin wished to inform her that was too private to discuss or too delicate to talk about over the neurolinker. Of course, Reimi was the confidant of Shin. She trusted him, and likewise she believed that Shin trusted her. A mutual agreement that the two had come across if only by chance. [color=Teal] “I’d want to order a tea first though.” [/color] [idk if it was supposed to be the same cafe. If so I’ll let your post be retroactive in regards to actions.]