[quote=@Double Capybara] Okay, either way, its not a full fledged language yet right? For example, do they have names for each one of the colours on the aurora above or the different starts in the sky? Your post gave me the impression of a holy script that had yet to be learned fully. Furthermore, we can always play with the time anyway, or I will just change my overall idea or do it for everyone else. [/quote] It's by far not a fully fledged language. The Pronobii are a very objective orientated race. So they only developed words related to combat. And to praising Reathos with their little prayer. Things like color are forms of vain art, which the Pronobii see no use of. They also learned the names, simply because that is the main source of the glyphs. Finally they have words for 'to kill', 'to fight', 'to harm','to die', 'to battle', 'to strike', 'will', honour'. Nothing beyond the realm of fighting. And they will most likely not continue beyond those kind of words.