Emiri would shake her head at Jaakuna, putting her hand on his. "[b][color=f6989d]If anyone is to blame, it's me.[/color][/b]" She would correct him gently, gripping his hand tightly. "[b][color=f6989d]I was so desperate to remember...all I wanted was to see you happy. It was so frusterating, all the feelings I had for you there, just lingering, longing for you. No matter how hard I tried, the best I would get was blurry images and the feeling of nostalgia that wasn't enough.[/color][/b]" She shook her head, silently cursing herself. "[b][color=f6989d]I was impatient. I wanted to be normal again, I wanted nothing more than to see you smile![/color][/b]" She would hesitate, but she would release his hand for a moment. In her haste she neglected to inform him that something was wrong. Now was as good a time as ever to come clean. Taking in a deep breath, she would fiddle her fingers as she stared at the ceiling above her. "[b][color=f6989d][color=f6989d]I think the worst part about everything that happened...I am ashamed. Not because I attacked Nadeline, not because of the way I acted. It may have been wared, but I had meant everything I did and said.[/color][/color][/b]" She admitted, clearly guilty. "[b][color=f6989d]My mother is dead...and do you know what was the first thing I felt? Relief. I was...I am glad she is gone. And I feel horrible for admitting it. All Papa ever wanted was for us to get along again, and here I am, happy she's dead! What kind of daughter am I to be glad my own mother is dead?![/color][/b]" Her body tensed up as she would confess. "[b][color=f6989d]Even if I was mistreated...even after everything, at the end of the day, she was still my mother. I should have cried, I should have been sad, but no...it was a bittersweet relief instead. What kind of monster am I, really...?[/color][/b]" [hr] Grant really hated being put on the spot, moreso now that he actually knew the answer to their question. But was it really his place to say? When Jaakuna had told him, he had felt so betrayed, he couldn't imagine how the others would react. He looked at Wesley and Savayna, unsure of what to tell them. For once Nadeline didn't seem to have the need to hound him, and for that he was grateful, but it made him feel all the more worse. They deserved to know...but Grant didn't have it in him to confess Jaakuna's truth. Not the whole thing, anyway. "[b][color=92278f]It would seem that Emiri had been...possessed, or something, by the likes of Zodiark,[/color][/b]" He began slowly, unsure of how to put it to words. "[b][color=92278f]That was Jaakuna's suspicion, anyway, it didn't seem that he knew for sure.[/color][/b]" That much was the truth. This much he owed them. Nadeline stared at Grant, wanting to pry more, but it seemed the adrenaline had worn off and all her energy had left her. The logical part of her head told her that she was partly to blame for baiting Emiri, but right now the only thing she could really focus on was getting to a bed. "[b][color=fdc68a]How dreadful...[/color][/b]" Nadeline murmured, clinging to Wesley's arm. "[b][color=fdc68a]I wonder if it's the same thing that happened to Lola.[/color][/b]" Lola had gone insane as well. It was little more than coincidence that Nadeline had mentioned her. Perhaps Grant could get away with this after all. "[b][color=92278f]It's a good theory.[/color][/b]" He admitted. The princess wanted to ask more, but she would concede. "[b][color=fdc68a]Honestly, I would like to rest as well.[/color][/b]" She admitted, frowning. "[b]Even if we were to get to the bottom of this, Aloa has guaranteed that it will not happen again. "[b][color=fdc68a]I fear I'm about to drop where I stand.[/color][/b]"