[@Legion02] Hmm, I'd forgotten that Reathos dabbled in True Names also - because I mention them in my upcoming post. Just wondering, what do True Names do in their Reathos-version? Regarding the constructions, I can accept that their ice magic and the cold of the south pole suffice them in that regard. I can accept that, since they are created for war, they advance faster in combat technique et al. I can accept the existence of the glyphs and the fact that the Pronobii have a strange, divine spoken language, and I can accept that they can see True Names. I would say make it so that they cannot read or write it yet, though. Let that be something that develops a bit later. Keep the glyphs and the language as it is, but take out their ability to read and write for the moment. It's just slightly too quick for my liking - things like numbers, I can accept in some written form, but words and written language not yet.