As the Great Dragon wrought it's mighty flame, something....else, came into existance. Not yet form, it did not yet need form, and to be formless, but here in the realm, was nice. Interesting. It could spy, without being seen, except by those who really looked for it, and as of yet, there was no reason for such an indepth search. It observed the Dragon's craft for a little, before flowing off, to see the rest of the Horde that their new guest was so smitten with. It was a lovely mish, of small rabbits and giant creatures, and even one strangely firey humanoid. It observed that one for a while, before returning to her drifting. It was nice to get out once in a while, and nice to be free of constraints, if only for a little while. It would get in trouble if it tried to remain formless too long. Still, some time later, as time is measured in this new place, it saw the Dragon's Craft again, distinctly unorcy, and not looking to happy. Curiousity bid her to follow the Not-Orc, wondering what it might get up to. After all, it did not look like it was going to be handing out cookies and cracking jokes with the rest of them.