[@Claw2k11], [@VoiD], [@DeadBeatWalking], [@Lord Zee], [@Pepperm1nts], [@Isotope], [@Abefroeman], [@The Nexerus], [@BlackBishop], [@Taeryn], [@Darkspleen], [@Sovi3t] [b]This is a GM announcement.[/b] Unfortunately, the integrity of Glided Throne has been damaged. It is our apologies that we have discovered that one of our players had been circumnavigating the rules and the trust of you, the players. This player, [i]Raptorman[/i], has been posing as both [i]Paper Angel[/i] and [i]Marra Mistborn[/i] and we have acted accordingly about the issue but we feel it is your right as the players to know the situation with a degree of transparency as we value all of you as players equally. As this sets a troubling precedent of the RP, we need to remove all doubt. There are many players who have interacted and made plans with the culprit of damaging our RP, so we need to troubleshoot how we can fix that in the near future. But right now Raptorman and his alts have been removed from the game and banned from our Wikidot database. This goes beyond simple RP concerns, however. Please do not PM him or talk to him or his alts in any manner (especially regarding this NRP). The administration staff of our host site (roleplayerguild) has been notified and the situation dealt with. As for the NRP, We will be doing a soft reboot immediately. It will start with the coronation of the new Emperor/Empress and a tourney. This is the best way to recover the momentum of the NRP. All players here are free to join that one with pre-existing houses and planned content. I know some of you are new/applying or showed interest so you are also getting this PM so you are aware of the change over to a new thread. Keep an eye out for it, but a link to it will be in this OOC. Thank you for your understanding, GM’s (sorry if you got this in a PM, but Guild only allows up to five max in a PM for reasons.)