[quote=@Narcotic Dollie] Yasssssss, Delover for the win! [i]Thats[/i] why Julius and Clover are going to have a showdown on the last day of the cruise, he stole her woman!! I honestly am not sure who I romantically ship Clover with at this point. She hasn't really interacted with any of the boys yet (Well, a little with Jar, but I don't count it since we still had to be mad at each other at that point. XD), so I don't have a good enough feel for them to make that call yet. That being said, I know for sure I ship the Hunter x Clover friendship, like, hardcore. He likes target practice, she likes target practice, they can totally be hunting buddies! :D [/quote] Make love, not war! We can totally turn this into a threesome! There, that's your romantic ship problem resolved as well! :D Seriously though, I'm not making any final shipping calls xD The traitor thing makes julila a thing, but there is of course still an awkward situation between Jules and Addy xD And we'll just have to see what happens when Jules and Clover actually meet (which will likely be in the girls' suite... while will be awkwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard)