[center][b][color=deepskyblue][h1]☾ ΟÐξΤΤξ ΚξΝΟβΙ ☽[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/9uc468.png[/img][/center] Odette meekly followed behind Ben and their Master, walking away from the other padawans and heading further off. Every once in a while she would glance over at Ben and there was no mistaking the tension there. She sure didn't miss that smirk on his face either. Unlike his playful smirks she was used to, this didn't fit on his face. It was one that made her shiver and want to say something to him. To distract him from whatever dark thoughts were encasing the sweet and gentle Ben that she knew. Yet, if she did talk to him, would he even listen to her right now? He seemed so intent and focused on getting information out of their Master that she doubted it. She hopped gracefully atop the building after them, her feet hitting the roof with a very agile jump next to Ben. After more pushing from Ben, Master Luke turned and began speaking to the two of them, telling them the story, or at least a shortened version of it. Of how Ben's grandfather was very strong in the Force, just as Ben is, but had turned to the Dark Side and destroyed everything, killing the Jedi and single handedly destroying the Jedi Order before Obi Wan killed him. She looked up at that remark. So, her grandfather had killed Ben's grandfather? Or so she thought. Yet, Master Luke said that the man's shadow had lived on. What did that mean? Someone was either dead or they weren't. Right? She looked to the Master, shrinking back a little as he suddenly eyed her, wondering just what direction this story was taking, when he turned and walked to the edge of the building, facing the way the padawans were. At the comment of something heading toward the others, she couldn't help but notice it as well. She reached for her saber to her side, only to stop. That was right, her saber was gone. All she had was the glowing purple crystal in her pocket and it wasn't like that would do her any good right now. She would just have to trust the force to help her out this time in protecting the others. And so, she jumped off after them, quickly heading toward where the others were, a determined look on her face, planning to get there before any of the others could get hurt or attacked.