[@Ace of flames01] Abel finds himself looking outside with an itch. The familiar itchiness of needing to turn...if even for a moment. He grumbles a bit as he starts walking to a more secluded wooded area. He drops a duffel bag and puts his clothes in it once he is sure no one could see him. Then, the change. It doesn't take him very long and soon he is standing in all his fluffy glory. He shakes out his fur before grabbing his duffel with his mouth and inhaling the area's scents. He pauses, werewolf. Feeling feline curiosity he follows it all the way to that burrow. With caution he puts the duffel by the entrance before snuffling at the entrance. Definitely a werewolf...definitely in this burrow. He grumbles at the entrance and peers in. [i]is she...naked?![/i] Alarm bells go off in his head and he backs up and backs up quickly, hoping she didn't see him.