[@BlackPanther] A slight rustling awoke the young she wolf only minutes after she had fallen asleep. Slowly she rose to a sitting position and smelled the air, as she touched the, still sticky with blood, injury. [i]Feline?[/i] Saoirse climbed out of the burrow, just enough to peek her head out. At the entrance of the burrow laid a duffel bag that reeked with the scent of feline. Curiously, she pulled the duffel bag into the burrow and opened it to find it filled with clothing. Upon opening the bag, a wave of new scents assaulted her nose. She instinctually scrunched up her nose and covered her nose in reaction to the sudden new and overwhelming scent. [i]"Not human. But not a house cat either. Whatever it is; it's male. That much is certain. "[/i] She winced then gagged from the odor as she held up a shirt to her nose.