[@Skepic] [b][u][color=f49ac2][center][h2]Cpl. Donovan “The Friendly” Valentine[/h2][/center][/color][/u][/b] Donovan was not exactly a very patient person, the seconds of silence was like an unmitigated disaster. He despised waiting for someone to speak, especially when it was stopping him from satiating his craving for some exquisite wine gifted to him by his mother. He couldn't bare looking around at this dreary field full of the lifeless bodies for any longer. Though not because of remorse or that he found dead bodies quite unsightly, which he did, but mainly finding he was very bored. The silence was interrupted from hearing what he could describe to himself as a shrill harpie shrieking at him calling him 'pretty boy' which was something he thoroughly detested. His attention turned to her as his mind scanned for a name, not able to place it. [color=f49ac2]“Unfortunately dear, you just missed her, she went to her bunker for some rest and I also was about to do the same.” [/color] Donovan replied with his usual delightful charming tone, casually looking in Helena's general direction but not at her face.[color=f49ac2][i] “Oh joy, a shrill women, with a mouth like a sewage drain. Just my luck.”[/i][/color] Donovan thought in his head smiling at her pleasantly, keeping his composure they fact she was strikingly similar to the women that got him demoted was not helping his first impressions of her. [color=f49ac2]“Yeah, it's quite an atrocious sight isn't it, my name's Donovan, by the way. Yours?”[/color] He replied asking her as if he cared.