[@Ace of flames01] Abel watches as the female takes his bag with her into the burrow. [i]did she just.....she took my bag[/i] He grumbles, his possessiveness coming out as he pads forward and peers in. His blue eyes glowing a bit in the darkness as his tail flicks with annoyance. He makes a few more grumbling noises at her with his ears flat against his head. He did not want to go down there....not at all. He did not know what this female would do if he was stuck down there with her, and he would rather not find out. After a few more inner debates he ends up getting into the burrow and standing next to his bag looking irritated. To top it off his coat now has dirt in it, making the white more dusty in appearance. His large tail flicks back and forth in irritation again, his posture screaming that he is annoyed.